Chapter 2: Catching Her Voice

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Sal's POV:

Walking through the park, along with Larry beside me, and my hood over my head, talking about all the stuff about the apartments.
"It's still pretty wacked up man... Fuck I still feel like shit after what went down with Mrs Sanders...." Larry said tugging on his hoodie string. "Dude, it happens.. Yeah you might be abit er scarred can't always hide the fact life is a dick..." I messed with a strand of hair abit. "Yeah... Thats true...*sigh* I still with I could've done mo-" I looked at Larry once he cut off and he had a confused look on his face.
"Errrr Larry?" I tilted my head in confusion. "Shhh! You hear that?" Ok wtf have you been smoking lately Larry. "Uh, hear what?" "Dude take off your damn hood and muffs." Already confused as is I did so anyway then I listened. "............ Is that........ Singing????" I looked at Larry questionably. "Yeh.... Let's go check it out." I nodded and we followed the voice to who or whatever it was coming from.
After abit of walking we find it was coming from one of those shelter houses and was definitely a girl, great, can't wait to have Larry bug me non stop after this encounter...
"Go peek around the corner." I looked at Larry. "Wha- why can't you do that???" He pointed at his nose. "They'll be able to see my nose before I even see them" I tried not to laugh since he actually made a good point with his nose involveing. "Ok ok I'll do it.." He gave a thumbs up and I turned to look and see........ Strands of Golden yellow hair.......oh fuck.
"Dude! What happened?? Why are you on the ground now?? What did you see????" I heard Larry asking a million questions that I couldn't answer. Then I realized what was going on. I, was having a fkn break down, wait, WHY AM I HAVING A BREAKDOWN?!?!? ok that didn't help cuz I stared panicking even more, oooooh shit nuggets...
Larry was trying everything to calm me down but they didn't work obviously. But then I heard a "What in the hell is going on????" From behind Larry. We both froze and looked up at her and I saw she was the one with the yellow hair, and I caught myself staring when I saw her gripping the handle of a baseball bat... And she seems like she doesn't fuck around much.

Gaige's POV:

Ok what in the fuck, were these two fkn stalking me??? "Who tf are you two?" I said putting abit of a stern tone in.
"w-w-we weren't stalking you! We just wanted to see where the singing came from!" The boy...? with the blue hair said slurring over his words abit. Wait they heard me sing? Fuck..
"Er yeah! You do have an awesome voice to!" The tol one said with a perky smile, fuck I can feel my face heating up, did I mention I'm got good with people complementing me? "Uhhh..." Welp I'm loss for words now, great, but I still had a hold on my bat in my backpack.
"You can chill out, we're not gonna jump at you. I'm Larry, and dis is Sal, or Sally Face, whichever you prefer." I cocked my head.
"Sally Face?" Sal shuffled abit. "It's an old nickname people gave me back in new Jersey... " Oh well then. "Oh, well, it's sounds cool though, er I'm Gaige.. I just got here so.." I felt I wasn't holding something I didn't want to forget....Oh shit my camera! I bolted my head over to my camera that was still on the table. I yeeted over picking it up and running back over. "Oh your the new guys next to the apartments? Nice." I looked at Larry confused and weirded out. "How did you know that..?" "Oh er, my mom told me when she was informed soo." I clicked my tongue.
"Ah, gotcha." Sal piped up. "So... Were you from?" I looked at him right into his eyes. "Kansas..." Larry puts his arm on top of Sal's casually, and Sal didn't seem to give a shit. "Ooo Kansas huh, comin from the old plains up here to the cold northern woodlands?" Larry chirped. "Uh yeah... My parents got new jobs around the place so... Had to move.." "Are you an only kid?" I looked up at them with a look. "I'm the middle child. Older brother, younger sister."
The two of them seemed surprised, what, they never met anybody with two siblings and is just stuck in the middle? "Well that's cool." Sal said. "Ya until they start annoying the hell outta you... Anyway let's head back, I can't feel my fingers." They nodded and we started walking, talking about stuff and my camera and did stupid funny skits on it and had fun being crackheads.
We got home, and switched with each other's phone numbers and Larry said he's giving me a walkie talkie tomorrow so that's noice. We said bye and went on our ways and my walking into my house greeted with a loud "GAIGE IS HOOOOOME!!!!!" From my lil sister Renge. Mom poked her head out from the living room. "So, how was the walk? Did you go over to the apartment next door?" I shrugged. "Er yeah.." "Meeeeet anybody?" Craig chimed in from the top of the stairs. "Yeah... Two guys named Larry and Sal, Sal wears a mask but I didn't question.." Craig gave me a look of 'TwT', oh fuck ik what he's gonna do next. "Gaige found a booooyfrieeeeeend~, or twooo~~~" I glared at him growlibg. "Shut it Craig or I'll shut it for you, I literally just met them Stupid." I turned and headed up to my room. Going in flopping on the pile of blankets on my floor, I sighed and started zoning out thinking about Sal's mask.... What was under there and... Why was he hiding it.... I turned grabbing my pencil and sketch book and started drawing him, soon finding myself pass out...

Henlo again, sorry the fact this one was long af, even if you enjoyed it I'm still apologizing anyway. Now, next: Lil Nightmares, Chapter 3 of Paranormal Pandemonium
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