Meet Dimitri

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"Finally," Dimitri breathed. It was good to be off this ship. They had voyaged for two-and-a-half months and had experienced a few setbacks but eventually arrived in St. Kitts and Nevis. The ship was laden with the finest linen and furs he had promised his mother to deliver safely to his grandmother's estate. He hated this place ever since he was a boy, and vowed never to return. He despised slave traders and as he and his crew sat in a tavern having a bottle of gin, he reminded himself why he was not staying. 

His parents had pleaded with him to assist his grandmother on the estate for a few months. She had doubled his inheritance in an effort to encourage him, yet again, money was no deal-breaker. Dimitri loved the idea of just traveling the world, trading, and selling. He started off his business two years ago, trading and selling fine linen and furs. This had given him enough money to purchase two homes in England: one in London, primarily for business, and the other in the countryside where he enjoyed spending time when not at sea.

Over the years, Dimitri had learned what self-reliance was. Being a trusted espionage agent for the Queen most of his life and engaging in various operations which were usually considered by many, dangerous and life-threatening was extremely useful throughout his life. This not only provided him with knowledge in battle and weaponry but, most importantly, discernment. Not to mention, he prided himself in temperance and self-denial. Those qualities had brought him thus far. And Despite the continued whispers and queries throughout the yearly season on his well-known affiliation with the Queen. Dimitri was notoriously known and respected among many other noblemen. He was very much unlike his brother who was practically known as unpleasant and a snob. 

They both had the same opportunities in education and the finer things in life but Dimitri chose to work every day, hence the reason his parents trusted him on this trip. They knew he was a workaholic and would do all in his power to increase the income from the plantation and make them even richer. He leaned back on the chair and stared blankly at his brother, Leonard who was dressed in his finest suit. He didn't want to bring him along but his parents thought that his brother could assist him in accomplishing the job. Dimitri openly declined, but they insisted. He and Leonard had never gotten along very well, even resulting in a few brawls with Dimitri always winning at the end. They were only ten months apart with Dimitri being the older and oddly the more experienced.

That evening, Dimitri made the decision to travel with the crew and merchandise. Leonard was extremely worried about the notion that they might get robbed. Dimitri, on the other hand, was not worried in the least. They were attacked before at sea but this was of no consequence as, through their bravery and skill, they were able to defeat their attackers and, to add insult to injury, even plundered their ships before resuming their journey.


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