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photo of Astra. not my image. credit to OP.

•*•Astra's POV•*•

"Astra, may I speak to you for a moment?"

I nodded.

Professor Graham, the advisor for my psychology department, led me to his office.

"Have a seat," he says, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk.

"Everything alright, Prof?" I asked, anxiety bubbling in my stomach. I set my backpack on the ground.

Graham sat across from me and laughed. "Oh yes! More than okay! I have some good news for you."

I allowed myself to relax into the chair. "You scared me there for a sec, man."

"Sorry. In wake of the recent revolution in Detroit, the law enforcement has requested psychological specialists from all over the lower 48 to be in the field with them so they can learn how to best handle the wide array  of new situations they're being presented. DPD contacted me directly in search of you."

My eyes widened. "Me?"

"You! They're very impressed by your performance here at Barden, specifically with the work study you did for the whole of last semester."

"Professor Graham, as flattered as I am, they want a specialist! I'm not even graduated yet. I hardly qualify as a specialist."

"They know that, but you're at the top of your class here! And apparently, you're in the top ten for the entire nation." Graham crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "Trust me, they know what they're doing and who they're looking for."

I sighed. "What does this "specialist" position entail? Is it paid?"

"I don't know much, but I do know you'd be relocated to Detroit, all expenses paid for six months, and you'd be working in the main station with a Lieutenant Anderson and his Android partner. The position is paid."

"That sounds like a hell of a deal. Six months with all expenses paid? They must be really desperate. It sounds like a good deal, but I need at least a night to think about it, is that okay?" I asked, grabbing my bag.

"Yes, of course! I just need to let them know by Monday morning!" Graham said as he stood, opening the door for me.

"Will do," I replied as I walked out. "See you tomorrow."

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