2- Always Invited But Never Come

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Me and Seolhyun and Jennie were just laying on the beach, tanning, light breeze every few seconds, perfectly calm oceans, a perfect Saturday afternoon.
"Sup ladies." Yunho smirked.
"Oh hey guys." I said seeing Yunho, Seonghwa, and Yeosang coming from the right side.
"What's up?" Jennie asked.
"Wanna go get some waves?" Yeosang asked shaking his salty hair and spraying us. We sat up and I shrugged.
"I don't wanna reck my hair today, it's been so fried from all the salt water." Seolhyun sighed.
"I'll go." Jennie said as I shook my head.
"Not feeling the best." I said as me and Seolhyun laid back down.

We watched as Jennie and the guys splashed around and ripped some waves.
"You know she knows you like Seonghwa and wouldn't do that to you." Seolhyun sighed.
"I know but, it's like he could have anyone and here I am, nothing more than a little sister to his best friend who is just wishing for the day he finds any sort of feeling for me. Just look at Jennie-"
"Jennie is one of your best friends and she's not even interested in Seonghwa. You know she just got out of that relationship with Kai. She's not ready and you know that since that breakup was messy."
"But still. She's so pretty and has a great personality and has everything he deserves." I said and brought my knees up to my chest.
"Honey, if he doesn't see how amazing you are you dodged a bullet. I know when I see love and if I don't see it between you two I'll tell you but right now you don't have anything to lose."
"But what if I lose the guys?"
"You won't lose the guys."
"How do you know?"
"You're overthinking again Y/N."
"You're right. Thanks Seolhyun." I smiled and hugged her.
"I have your back on everything." She said. I've known her the longest of everyone because I met Tzuyu two weeks after I met Seolhyun, and met Dami three weeks and then the others are after Dami. We are the OG4 but in the two weeks before I met Tzuyu, me and Seolhyun were inseparable and we knew it. We became so close in that small amount of time that now no one could replace her.

The day went on, once Seolhyun left the guys cane to shore and said goodbye to me as Jennie came and hugged me as we headed back to my house. Wendy came over and that brings us to now. Sitting in my room, staring out to the ocean, watching hopeless romantic movies, and waiting for 6 pm to come in 2 hours so we can find more stuff to do because that's when the guys are coming over.
"What the fuck are y'all watching?" Seonghwa said at the door and we all jumped, too gorged one the movie to notice his entry. We all groaned as he chuckled and we threw pillows at him.
"It's called Titanic." Wendy said.
"Gross!" San yelled from the hallway.
"Fight me then!" I yelled.
"What do you want?" Jennie asked turning her attention back to the tv.
"Jungkook and Taehyyng wanted me to invite y'all to the night surfing party they always host, called Blue Lagoon." He said and we all shook our heads.
"Come on, you guys are always invited but never come." Seonghwa groaned.
"Me and Jennie have church tomorrow." Wendy said as Jennie nodded and she high-fived Jennie.
"Seolhyun and Tzuyu are working tonight and are tired usually but I'll still text them. Dami and Jimin are hanging so I'll text them and they'll say something and I just don't wanna. Every guy is thirsty." I explained.
"Me and the guys always go and we aren't." Seonghwa explain.
"HA! That's funny." Jennie said and I chuckled and fist bumped her.
"Fine if you change your minds text me, you guys have my snap." He said and left and once he said the girls smirked and looked at me and I blushed and rolled my eyes.
"You have to go." Jennie said.
"No." I chuckled.
"Y/N just do it!" Wendy said.

I chose to go.

Seolhyun and Tzuyu picked me, Dami, and Jimin up in her deep blue and white truck. We all wore black and blue and white bathing suits and got our deepest coloured boards as it was the theme.

Seolhyun and Tzuyu both had sky blue bikinis but Seohyun had a white cropped swim shirt and had their black boards that they only use night surfing. Dami was wearing a deep blue shirt and black shorts with the deep blue and red board from yesterday. Jimin was wearing a medium blue bikini and brought her medium blue with orange outline board. Finally me, I wore a baby blue bikini and grabbed my navy blue with white trim board that had my name on the bottom.
"Aye y'all finally decided to come." Namjoon smiled and greeted us.
"Hey Joon yeah, we felt bad for making excuses to not go every year." Tzuyu smiled and we chuckled.
"Welcome to Blue Lagoon ladies." Jin smiled as we walked to the beach from the woods. There was a huge bonfire crowded with dancing people to blasting music. Two foldable tables full off drinks and three filled with food. Three spot lights from Yoongi's dads work shawn light on a spot of the ocean. I never knew what he did but I didn't care as long as I had light.

Our whole little town knew this happened but never minded as long as no super bad stuff like kidnapping or murder happened, it never did. We walked up to the water and immediately started surfing.

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