Nothing was said for 10 minutes just my cries and his ragged breaths. My face filled with salty sticky tears. "My daughter" His voice croaked. I raised my head as my tear filled eyes met with his tear filled eyes.

"I tried to tell you, but you left Harry. You left me all alone and you said you cared. The month after you left I see you and that 40 year old Caroline Flack, then I see you and Cara, and Emma Ostily. You moved on faster than I had in 3 years. Not to mention your career. You having a baby at 16 years old, and before your career started. No one would take you seriously. I had to keep this from you. If you were to know it would ruin everything you pushed yourself for. " I cried as he sat and listened. Never interrupting my rant- just took everything in.

"I have had a daughter for 3 years and never knew. Tiffany I don't care about my fucking carrer, this girl lived 3 years without her father. You lived being a single mother, having to take care of her. Why did you keep this away, why" He shouted pulling at the ends on his curls. I took a deep breath.

"You left me Harry" My strained voice barely spoke. "You left me and then just moved on it hurt. I couldn't tell you because that's when I knew you never cared about me. You seemed so happy with girls hanging off your arms, driving the fancy cars and wearing your fancy clothes. I spent a year pathetically waiting for a call and watching every news report on you hoping some sign would show up. I was torn each time the interviewers brought up a different girl. I have tried to move on and then I met Adam and he liked Darcy and he could be good for her, he cares for me" I softly said wiping my tears away.

"What did I ever do or say to make you think that I don't care for you. If anything I stopped talking to you because I cared" He screamed making my anger grow.  What a pathetic excuse because he cares. Thats utter bullshit. If he cared he would of thought of my feelings and what would happen if he cut me out of his life. He knew about my mother and knew I had almost no one. Yet he still did it because he cared I can't held but laugh."You let me go because you care" i sighed with frustration a small chuckle following shortly after.

"I let you go because when I became big people would judge you tear you down. All your privacy gone, every normal thing gone. Tabloids will lie and make your life miserable. They will break you and break you apart. I could not let that happen to you. Watch you slowly deteriorate in front of my very own eyes. I cared way too much. I was gutted damn it Tiffany, but I did it all for you." He said his eyes softening. I met his gaze before whispering. "You already broke me when you left."

I got up to leave - this conversation becoming to much to handle. His hand gripped my arm preventing me from moving any further. I tried to get his grasp to loosen up, but it stayed put. I twirled around facing him as he looked at me. Before he could process his lips collided with mine. All my senses disappeared as I melted into his embrace. I wanted to pull away more than anything, but I couldn't find the strength to.

He pulled me closer into him deepening the kiss.  I stopped fighting it - my body slowly face in melting into his arms. His body firmly pressing against mine as he desperately kissed my chapped lips. Putting everything he had into it. I almost wanted to beat myself up for giving in so easily. My mind was mush but for a split second everything became clearer.  I thought about Adam and how great he treated me and Darcy. I pushed into his chest and separated our lips. " I can't do this Adam" I whispered.

He looked pained, "Don't talk about him,please anything, but him" He sighed his eyes showed hurt. "I am the father of your child, and now that I know I refuse to turn my cheek and forget about everything you had told me. I want to be her for Darcy- for you. I want to be the one who supports you guys who makes you smile and who will be your only men in both of your lives." He spoke cutting the silence.

"Harry, I needed you to say this 3 years ago this is to much" I spoke while looking at him. I heard him let out a frustrated straggled sigh. "I never knew about this 3 years ago, but now I do give me a chance give me a chance to prove to you and Darcy that I can be there" He begged his eyes showed desperation.

I shivered as the cold breeze hit me. Darcy needed a father figure. My mind says 'no he will just leave like before', but my heart says 'let him in he needs you as much as you need him'. Its a violent battle between my brain and heart. Right now the heart is winning.

I looked and saw his eyes red, his breaths ragged. He looked so torn so stressed. I might regret my decision, but its the right thing to do. "Lets go upstairs and see your daughter." His eyes lite up as he pulled me into a hug. He gave me a huge kiss on my cheek, pulled away and gave me a dimpled smile.

"You won't regret this just thank you" He spoke honestly, as I nodded throwing in a small smile. We walked into the hotel and all the way back to the room.

Once we got in, Anne was bouncing Darcy on her lap, and Gemma sat waiting for us to get back. I looked at Harry for assurance. He gave me a nod as I picked up Darcy. "Hey baby mommy wants you to meet someone special" I kissed her cheeks. She giggled at my actions.

"Thats Harry mommy" Darcy giggled while pointing at Darcy. "Yes baby, but Harry is your daddy" I say as Gemma and Anne snap their heads towards us. "Dada?" Darcy cooed while looking at Harry.

"Yes Baby Daddy" He cried as I handed him Darcy. He began to let out his tears before giving her little kisses here and there, "Baby I am so sorry I was gone, I will never leave you and mommy again" He poked her belly as she laughed, He watched her in amazement. Just like how I watch her.

I stood there watching them bond, my heart swelled a bit. I expected this to feel weird, but honestly it feels so right.

"You did the right thing honey" Anne rested a hand on my shoulder. I turned and smile, "It was hard" I spoke while looking at him bounce Darcy on his hip. He was so unbelievably good with kids.  Darcy already loved him and just by watching I knew Darcy had him wrapped around her finger. He was memorized scanning every nice of her body in admiration. He play with her curls and he just held her filling that void that was left empty for 3 years.

"Sometime the right thing to do is the hardest thing to do." Anne spoke. Man was she right.

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