55. Hero, My Dream Guy (3)

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I know it's still him

He's still my sweet and cute Hero

Loving someone means accepting all their sides and facets.

I like Hero regardless of this part of him.

"I belong to you" I whispered, placing my hands on his hips and he stiffened, as if not expecting me to answer so quickly

I squeezed his hips and Hero slowly looked at me with teary eyes

"And you belong to me too" I finished, cupping his face cheeks and he bit his lips

"I'm sorry, did I scare you? I-I just didn't want to lose you" He whimpered and I stroke his cheeks

"Why? Why don't you want to lose me?" I asked and he started sobbing, pulling me into a hug

"I've liked you for so long now, Samuel. I've been watching you since 4 years now. I know your timetable, I know where you live, I know what's your favourite food and I understand you without the need for you to talk. I'm creepy, I know! Please, don't leave me, I like you so much" He whimpered and I hugged him against me

"No my little Prince, I won't leave you" I promised


3rd pov


"Ma'm, he's crying!" The woman said and Messa Night rolled her eyes

"Then, shut him up! Just give him what he wants" She said, going back to read her magazine and the maid sighed, staring at the two-year-old boy in pity

"As you wish, my lady"

"Anny, why doesn't daddy and mommy come to fetch me at my school?" 3-years-old Hero asked in pain and Annie sighed

"I don't know, little master, I don't know" She said and Hero nodded

"What can I do for people to like me? I don't have any friends" He whispered sadly and Annie pecked his forehead

"Little master, Kindness is the key! If you're kind to everyone and you're more confident, you'll get many friends!" She said and Hero slowly nodded

"Okay, I'll try!"


13 years-old-Hero


"Hero, come on, Let's go eat outside" Alec, Hero's friend said and Hero smiled

"Sure, Let's go! I'm really hungry" He cheered and Alec sighed

"Are you okay, Hero? You don't have to go just to please me" Alec mumbled and Hero smiled sadly

"I'm not forcing myself, I really want to go because I enjoy your presence" Hero said and Alec smiled

"You know that you can act how you want, right? There's no need to hide from me because you want others to like you! I like you, okay? I know that you throw a tantrum when you don't get what you want and I also know that you don't like to share at all" Alec said softly before smirking in the end and Hero blushed

"It's not my fault if I was always given things I wanted! I'm not an asshole though" Hero whined and Alec smirked

"Yeah? You can fool others but not me, Hero, you can never fool me. I know how much of an asshole you are, you stupid fake bicth" Alec said with a dark grin and Hero immediately took Alec's clothes in his fist, glaring at him coldly

"Whom are you calling a fake bitch, you moron? Friends or not, I'll kick your pathetic cock-" Before he could finish, Alec pecked his nose making Hero stop talking

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