Chapter (2) I Want My Car

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The day went by quickly, both April and Avery attended their classes. Ryan was trying to talk to Avery again but whenever he tried to come around, April always drags her friend away. They were walking to the next class.

"Hey, where is Steve? We haven't seen him all day" asked Avery.

"He is in New York visiting his uncle"


"I miss him"

"How long is he gonna be staying there?"

"Two more days"

"It's okay" She hooked an arm around April's shoulder.

"When are you getting your car?"

"He said tomorrow... Damn! I want my car!"

She laughed. "It's just a piece of metal"

She nudged her shoulder. "How dare you? That car is my little baby. I did a lot of things inside that car"

"Uh-huh. I don't wanna know what u did, and finally we are here" They arrived their class and entered, taking their seats.

"Did you do the assignment?" asked Avery.

"I did"

"What was it about?"

"Oh no! You didn't do it, right?"

She nodded. "I didn't have time"

"You never had time for your assignments. Professor Gray is so gonna be pissed at you"

"He won't. I know how to convince him" She winked.

"No! Tell me you aren't gonna do what I think you are gonna do"

She shrugged. "Will see"

"Morning class" Entered Mr. Gray adjusting his glasses.

Raymond Gray was about 50 years old, wearing a grey suit. He was a handsome man for someone at this age, he always wears black glasses, his hair was jet black and grey from the sides and his eyes were blue.

"I hope you did the assignment. I'll collect them in the end of the class" He turned around and started writing on the white board.

An hour later, the class was dismissed. They were handing him the assignments when it was Avery's turn, she tried to put on her fake apologetic smile.

"Miss Carlisle your assignment, please" he said professionally.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Gray but I couldn't do it. My aunt got into a car accident and I got distracted, please give me more time" she said sadly, faking it.

He sighed "Fine but I'll give you one day, just one day, and if you don't do it consider seeing a C in your grades"

"Yes, thank you Mr. Gray" She smiled at him and went to catch up with April.


At the parking lot, April and Avery walked to the car and stepped inside it. April gave her a look and Avery as smart as she is, knew the meaning of the look.

"So I'm guessing you pulled this one off too huh" said April.

"I did" She smiled proudly.

"Whatever but you should know that... this won't be long and you will have to do your assignments one way or another"

"I'm aware but now I'm enjoying and pampering myself"

"I hope you know what you are doing" She pulled off of the parking lot and drove.

Avery opened the door, letting herself enter, she saw her mom sitting on the desk talking with someone on the phone and her father hasn't returned back from work. She went to the kitchen, opened the fridge and grabbed herself a juice.

"Honey, are you back?" She heard her mother.

"Yes, mom"

"Good because I need to talk to you about something. It's not really important but just in case you noticed"

"What is it?

"Patrick quit"


"He is moving to Vancouver with his family"

"So I guess we will have to hire another cook"

"I'll handle that. Now Abigail will cook for us till we find one"

"What? But she can't cook"

"I'm sorry honey but you have to be patient it's only a matter of a few days"

"If I got food poisoning then it will be her fault" she said as she was climbing the stairs.

She plopped on the bed, sighing heavily. "What a day" she said to herself and went to change her clothes.


"Abigail!!" She yelled.

"Yes Miss Avery?"

"Go make me an omelet"

She nodded and rushed to the kitchen. "Hey, sweetheart" said Fred as he kissed the top of her head.

"Hey, dad" He sat beside her and noticed the look on her face.

"I'm guessing your mom told you about Patrick"

"Mm-hmm, he used to make good pancakes"

"I'm sure we will hire the best"

Abigail brought them the breakfast and they ate in silence until Avery broke it. "Hey dad, I'm gonna need some money"

"What for?"

"My car broke down yesterday and got towed and I'll need to pay the mechanic"

"And I was wondering why I didn't see your car yesterday"


"Okay, fine" He looked at her as she ate. "So do you like the food?"

She shrugged. "It's not bad but Patrick made it better"

He chuckled. "I agree"

She took a cab and went to the mechanic, she saw different car wheels of different brands, posters of cars and racers. She saw the mechanic of her previous day and went up to him. Different men with different ages working on cars, others were eating or talking with the customers.

"Is my car fixed?" she asked not in the mood to negotiate whether the answer is yes or no.

"Yeah. Only Danni knows where it is"

"Where is this Danni?"

"Danni!!" He yelled calling the name. "Danni!" He called again "Where is this kid?" he mumbled. "Follow me"

She followed him until he stopped in front of an old car. "There you are" he said as Danni was under the car. "Danni, do you know where is the red convertible BMW from yesterday? The owner is here"

"Yeah, just give me a sec... aaaaaand... done!" Danni got out from under the car, stood up on her feet, cleaning her hands with a rag and to Avery's surprise Danni was a girl, a young girl. Danni raised her eyes from her cleaned hands and looked at Avery with a small smile as she extended her hand.

"Hi, I'm Danni"

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