Uniquely Beautiful

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Today I saw something weird ..........
Wait scratch that.
Today I saw something uniquely beautiful.
How the once twinkling , innocent eyes
Were replaced with a sharp pointed view .
It was soo odd to see this change before me .
A beauty like this could only be observed....if one was truly looking .
How just in a moment ,
That little child understood the world .
Although he had pain,
He didn't let it show up .
He tried to hold himself together , for the ones he loved .
That smile that he had molded upon his face ,
Was something so conquering my words could not represent.
Though he joked with me through out the day ,
I could still see him growing , a little step by step  .
Oh! How I wish many can see ,
He was improving even in a slightest bit.
His countenance....it was glowing , as far as I can tell  .
Agreed he lost something ,
But that lost shaped him into something so alluring and great .

After all falling can be beautiful if,
And only if , you rise up again .
Though he had pain ,
He out shinned from its cage .  

Well i wrote it on a 9 years old child he is actually my cousin and yesterday when I met him after the death of our grandfather I could feel how much understanding he has become though he doesn't shows it I know he understands more than what he shows so inspired by him and his courage I wanted to dedicate this peice to that little one .
Don't forget to tell me your views in comment and vote if you will .
Until next time wanderers .

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