If I'll have a Child

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{poetry }

If i'll get the chance to hold ,
The newly incarnated soul in my hands ,
To look in her eyes and kiss her with my shivering lips .
To feel her softly beating heart and the curiosity rushing in her limbs ,
Then I won't mind the hours of pain given for such a bliss .

To teach her how to slide and shine when her heart is filled with pride ,
Or to teach her how to weep and cry ,
When something went wrong or too right .
But I'll never ever teach her ' sex ',
The difference between a woman and man ,
Because I want her to know the soul and ,
Not what surfaces the outter core .
And to all those thinking why not sex ?
Like how will she fertilize or pass the virginity test ,
Well i ask you to increase the width ,
In which you let your vocabulary fit .
Because I meant a gender and ,
The standereds that come with it .

No I won't say that i'll raise my son like a rock ,
Or my daughter like a son ,
I'll just say I'll raise a human ..
Filled with feelings and emotions.

I'll even tell her how to woo a boy or girl ,
And if she is asexual then to love herself .
I'll try to tell what is love ,
Or how books became my world .
I'll tell her the difference between 'fu*k' and 'let's make love ',
Or how to respect everyone sexuality.

But no matter what ,wether she learns or not
No matter wether she has her own mindset planed ahead ,
I will love her dearly, cope with her tantrums daily and respect her privacy .
After all she is a part of me,
A new soul facing reality .
Only if I'll have a child in my upcoming journies.



Hope you all dreamers like this peice . This one is very close to my heart and hope this inspires you . Please let me know your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote .

Bye untile next time .

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