Part 01 - The Call

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I had not been expecting such a quick reply but tried to compose myself and answer as best as I could.

"H-hello, I uh, I was wondering about a post I had found on the Freddy Fazbear's webpage about owning a pizzeria, an-and I just wanted to get more details about it as there was only a number listed under it."

I breathed in shakily, that was way too hard to say.

"Ah, that." I heard paper rustling, she was likely looking for something, then the rustling stopped and she began reading what was written on it, I think?

"Hello, new company entrepreneur, these are the details on what is required to own your own pizzeria location."

I listened intently, even as she paused. Maybe she was reading forward a bit as to say it more fluently? I honestly couldn't tell.

"First of all, you will have to own a location with at least two rooms, the main dining area, and the backstage room/closet, where your employees will change into and out of their costumes, and where, obviously, the suits will be stored."

I nodded to myself, beginning to list the things in my mind as to not lose track.

"Secondly-, Okay, there are way too many of these and it would just take way too long for me to list all of them, so I'll just tell you the most important parts, okay?"

"Uh, okay, sure." While I was hesitant to agree, I could tell that this wasn't the first time she had to read the whole thing to someone and it was quite late, so just in case, I didn't want to make this call too lengthy.

"Thanks, I've had a really long day today and I'm already past my shift's end, so I appreciate it."

"It's no problem, really, I know what it's like to work after hours, some days are just shit, ay?" I smiled as I heard her chuckle.

"Yes, yes, I agree. Now onto the rest of the details and other things." She cleared her throat a bit and began, "Ok so, in short, you are going to have to buy a Phone guy as they are called, you might just get one along with your new location, but basically, he, she or they, as some of them just don't like being identified with a gender, will take care of the paperwork, buying accessories and other things like that.
Got all that, hon?"

"Yeah." I smiled at the pronoun.

"Alright, next up is just a bunch of boring paperwork and what to do if you get a lawsuit. I won't bother with the paperwork, just give it to your Phoney to take care of, but the lawsuits are a bit more important."

I listened to her as she began explaining what to do if I were to get a lawsuit. I felt a bit confused when she said that I should look it over and then just give it to Phone guy to deal with. Isn't it a bit unfair to make him do everything, especially on his own?
While I was tempted, I didn't cut her off.

"Honestly, that's basically it, the rest are just very small details that are irrelevant." I heard a bit of rustling as she put the paper away, "Do you have any questions, hon?"

"I-, yeah, two actually." This time I was the one to clear my throat, "First of all, I was wondering why the Phone guy, as you call him, has to do so much of the work, which should normally be for the manager, in this case, me, to do?"

"Ah, as of now you're the first to ever ask that," Wait, seriously? Not a single other person asked that? "And it's simple, they are the manager's personal assistant who is made to do the tedious work which the managers don't want to do. But of course, you can help him if you'd like, he'd appreciate it, probably."

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, "What do you mean by made?" I asked just as she finished answering my previous question.

"I'm sorry, hon, but that's classified information and if I were to tell you I would likely get fired." Her voice held sadness to it and I quickly understood not to remain on the topic as it may be a touchy subject.

"You don't have to answer that then." I quickly blurted out, "Though, I still have a question, if you're uh, up for it?"

I wasn't sure why but I became almost scared of saying the wrong thing, besides, I had clearly upset her with my previous question.

"It's okay, go on and ask, hon." It pained me how her voice no longer sounded as enthusiastic, nor happy.

"You, uh, you haven't told me how exactly I'm supposed to pay for or just get the location and other essentials as you listed. So, how exactly do I do that?"

"Oh, yes, that. I apologize for not telling you, let me explain." I felt better as her enthusiasm came back as she began speaking again.

"Alright, so you won't actually have to buy the location, we will send you the address to one of our spare, unused ones and we are going to send someone to greet you there, you pay them the thirty dollars and done!
The location is officially yours." I could almost hear the smile which was now pulling at the brims of her lips.

"Oh, alright, how exactly will I be contacted?" I questioned, wanting to be sure of everything.

"Well, we will just send you an SMS with the address and when to come. Now a quick question." She paused for a moment,
"Will you be taking the offer?"

"Oh, hell yeah! my job sucks and this is an opportunity I can not miss out on." I answered quickly, now grinning cheekily.

"I like your enthusiasm." She chuckled lightly. "I'm sure you'll make a great manager, hon."

"Hold on..." She spoke again, "I never got your name, hon."

"Oh, sorry. It's Raine, Raine Walters." I chuckled, a bit embarrassed. "It's uh, lovely to kind of officially meet you."

She giggled, "Yes yes, it really is." She paused for a moment, before continuing, "Alright, Raine, I'll personally contact you sometime this or next week, okay?"

"Yeah, I can't wait. My job sucks a whole bunch of ass and it'll be nice to finally do something that isn't just sitting around in boredom."

"Alright, hon, I'll talk to you sometime soon, have a lovely evening, dear."

I smiled, I seriously couldn't wait.
"Talk to you then and you too, Charlotte."

The call was ended and I fell back onto my bed feeling a whole lot better than I did after just coming home from work.

'Maybe my life will change for the better after all.'


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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