Theif!Karma x Princess!Reader ~Assassination Classroom~

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"Your highness, the prisoner demands to speak alone with you, would that be alright?" His voice seemed slightly stressed, as if they had trouble restraining the prisoner.

"Yes thats fine, I'll be in the garden."


I sat quietly at the fountain, watching as the small droplets were joining together in the pool at the bottom. The doves that normally rest in the trees surrounded me, some landing on my lap, while others find a place at my sides.

The blissful moment was ended when I heard footsteps coming closer on the clean cement pathway. Once figures came into view, the doves flew away from fear, leaving me to stand authoritively towards the prisoner and the guard.

"You may leave him here," I directed my attention to the guard, my comment sent a smirk across the red-head's lips.

The guard was hesitant as he obeyed my orders, bowing as he turned and left towards the palace. As soon as we were alone, the thief's eyes scanned the area, looking for an easy escape.

"I wouldn't try if I was you, we are bringing your friends here, and you don't want something bad to happen to them, don't you?" I spoke, his eyes lock with mine as his shoulders slump slightly.

"Clever little princess," he mutters, walking to my side to sit on the edge of the fountain.

"So what is it you wanted, or was the excuse to leave your cell to escape?" I commented, making sure to seem confident with my words.

"What, you don't think its because I just wanted to see you again, the famous gorgeous young princess of (l/n) kingdom," another smirk crossed his lips as he scanned my figure.

"Please refrain from speaking vulgarly," I sigh, unconciously straightening the skirt of my silk dress.

"That wasn't vulgar at all dear princess, if you would like the hear vugar just let me stay the night in your bed," he stood as he spoke, his height towering over mine as his eyes wandered from my lips to my eyes.

I stepped back, making sure to stand up tall. Although I could feel the crimson red creeping up my cheeks.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that thief." I spoke in a strong tone, locking eyes with him to avoid showing my natural timidness.

"Aw, is shy little princess (y/n) embarassed?" He teased, taking another step closer to me.

"Do you understand what power I have at the moment, I could commend you to death, understand that even though I'm the princess, you will give me respect." I stood up straighter, making my threat clear.

"But I know you wouldn't do that," he mutters, sitting himself back down on the fountain's edge, "because if you were that cruel, you wouldn't have sent out a search for my friends just to protect them."

I turn to face him, stumbling on my words as I make eye contact with him again. His expression relaxed, his eyes seemed to sparkle gold as they locked with mine. I turn my back to him, releasing a held in breath as the wind blew through my hair.

Footsteps could be heard again, causing me to turn to their direction. I saw a maid and a guard making their way over. They both bow as soon as they are infront of me.

"Your highness, your afternoon tea is served," the maid spoke softly, I nodded.

"Take him back to his cell, keep me updated on those who are being brought here," I sigh, stretching my arms as I follow the maid, leaving the guard to deal with the red-head.


It has been another week since the thief was caught, those friends of his have been staying in guest rooms yet the true origin of the crime hasn't been found yet. Almost every day while I'm walking through the palace, the thief, Karma, has been requesting to see me.

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