LIME Sousuke x Quiet!Reader ~Free!~

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Okay, I'm mainly doing this one because during Math class today, I finished early and started spacing off, and this popped into my head when I was looking at an empty desk across from me!

Also, you know how it was just Friday the 13th not to long ago,
I shall prove how cliche my life always turns out to be...

So it was Friday the 13th,
There was a full moon,
And it was at a highschool football game.

I'm lucky I didn't die.

Hope you enjoy this weird chapter idea that suddenly popped in my head!



Stepping in the doors, eyes turn to me of the few students who arrive earlier than me, I shared eye contact for a moment before moving to get to my seat. I sat down, dropping my bag by my feet before resting my head on my desk. The seat beside me moves, I peek over and it is the one and only Sousuke.

He doesn't bother to meet my eyes as I turn away, closing my eyes hoping to fall into the darkness. However, that peacefullness was interupted by the teacher walking to the from, telling us to pay attention.


Class nears it's end and I have all my stuff put away, my thoughts lazily molding into imaginations as I avoid conversation with classmates. Something tugs at my ears, I focus for a moment.

"(l/n), come here please."

The voice of my teacher echoes through my head, making me stand quickly and walk to his desk. As I make my way closer, the expanse on a broad back faced me.

"Yes, sir?" I question, stopping infront of his desk.

"You do understand that you are the top student, correct?"

I nod, all my grades were higher than others in the class. Some resented me for it, others didn't mind, but either way I didn't let that affect me.

"Well, it would be a great help if you could help tutor a student, who doesn't have the best scores."

His hand lifts, motioning to the boy I stood beside making me turn to look at him.


The breath lodges in my throat for a moment as I turn back to the teacher.

"Alright," I mutter, anxious about being around such a popular person.

"You may start today, but I will be leaving soon after the bell so you will be here alone until you feel like leaving."

I nodded again, numbly allowing my body to turn back to my seat. Barely consious of my own movements as I slide myself onto the seat.


The bell rings in my ears, followed by shuffled footsteps and laughter. Yelling and cheers ring into the room from the door that slowly closed behind all the other students.

The teacher himself was putting papers in his bag, not in much of a rush as I pull out some material. I turn to the teal-eyed boy beside me, his stiff frame was relaxed slightly.

"So what do you need help on?" I broke the silence, urging him to get this over with.

"Everything." He responds bluntly, without any bits of humor in his tone.

"May I see you're old tests?"

He groans slightly, digging through his bag before pulling out several papers, their edges slightly crinkled. I look at the top where the score is circled.

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