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Wanda looks at the tombstone, a small child with brown hair and greenish brown eyes in a dark dress and umbrella beside her. The pouring rain feeling nothing but a drizzle to her as she gets completely soaked in it.

Peter Benjamin Parker
Nephew and friend to all

Steve Rodgers and Matt Murdock exit the car and walk beside her, Steve covering her with his umbrella.

"You wouldn't watch to catch something." Steve gives her a sad smile but Wanda eyes don't leave his stone as they start to glow red, her face emotionless.

"What happened?" She simply said as she picks up her daughter and begins to walk away.

"Wanda please let us help you." Steve asks, trying to reach her.

"There's nothing you can offer me anymore."

"Forget it Steve, she needs to figure this out on her own." Matt sighs placing a hand on the stone.

"I thought we could've found him by now, still absolutely nothing all this time but even I don't want to accept he's really gone." Steve says looking out the cemetery.

Wanda opens the door to the house and looks at one of Peter's old suits, the first one she met him in as she cries against it.


Peter wakes up with water dripping along his face as he brushes it off. He looks into a broken mirror to see his scruffy beard, tired eyes, messy brown hair, damaged suit, and bandaged hands. He lost count after the third year as he has been traveling and surviving in this hellhole. The things he had to do to survive stay with him as he now carries a rifle and ammunition everywhere he goes as well as makeshift spines and knifes.

The emo looking version of himself or at least a variation of him calls it the damned and not everyone leaves it. He hasn't seen him in awhile so Peter wonders if he's dead or just abandoned him to die alone. All he can call it is if it was No Man's Land but times 100. Either way for him it's just another day of survival.

He misses the city, the swinging, the quiping, her. He shakes those thoughts as he takes aim and headshots a mutated monster.

He then turns around as if he heard her voice faintly in his head.

"Wanda?" He whispers to the cold wind but gets nothing but it's howling as he sighs and move on.

Wanda opens her red eyes, feeling disappointed she can't feel him yet. She goes through days with barely any sleep searching anywhere only getting nothing outta him.

Her daughter peers through the stairwell watching her mother sit on the floor frustrated. She always was worried about her mother everyday. She would ramble things she couldn't understand in her sleep, her hair was always messy and getting longer, her eyes dead tired, and sometimes she saw bruises on her.

Elizabeth Maximoff was her name and she wanted to help her mother. Elizabeth wasa gifted child with powers of both her parents being able to climb walls and hear people's thoughts. She grew up hearing and seeing videos of her father every chance she got being obsessed with his superhero side, Spider-Man. She wanted to fight bad guys and help people even if her mother disapproved of her thinking.

She'd sometimes get images of him swinging through the city of New York and they sometimes go on crazy adventures in her dreams but she could've sworn he was really there with her.

Wanda sighs as she closes a book and places it on a massive stack her to her. Not even Strange's books are helping her. She ponders if she did every spell, ritual, and movement right for the past few years as everything she came across failed. Everyone was in fear of her sanity but she called them crazy for not believing in her.

"I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy, I'm not." She murmurs into her fisted hands as Elizabeth sits opposite of her and starts eating her beefaroni snapping her back to reality.

"Sweetie did you finish your homework?" Wanda asks as she covers her face.

Elizabeth nods and continues eating her beefaroni. Wanda smiles as she watches her daughter. She only wished Peter saw her.

"Sweetie do you mind if you stay at Aunt Nat for awhile?" Elizabeth nods no as Wanda could see the disappointment across her face.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I have to do this." She sighs.

"Hope you find him this time." She says before putting her dish in the sink and leaving Wanda alone to her thoughts once more.

Suck it the fuck up guys otherwise you ain't gonna make it through this story.

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