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If you chose to SURRENDER read the normal text.

If you chose to FIGHT read the bold text.

If you chose to RUN read the italicized text.

You throw your arms up into the air in surrender.

There was no way that you could go up against so many people. At this point it just seemed foolish and impractical.

A couple of the men rush over to you and force your hands behind your back.

You let out a sigh that was sad, yet relieved. You are being captured by the enemy, however, you no longer have to run. It was time to give up.

The men pointed their guns down and you were shoved into the helicopter.

The men spoke words to you, but over the helicopter blades whirring in your ears, you could not make out what they were saying.

You were seated and buckled in before the aircraft took off, whisking you away from any happy ending you could have asked for.

In a blink of an eye you pull out your gun and shoot the man infront of you in the head.

He crumples to the ground, lifeless.

You dodge the waterfall of bullets aimed toward you by collapsing towards the ground and rolling close to the enemy.

Several bullets grazed your body, but it wasn't nothing some stitches wouldnt fix.

You stand up without hesitation right infront of another man.

You break his neck, before turning to the next man.

However this man has enough time to shoot you in the stomach.

You crumple to the ground, and feel all the exhaustion and pain taking a toll on you.

Before your life fades away to nothing, you shoot that man in the stomach, hoping that he faces the same fate as you.

However, the man doubled over, but still stands, a sickening grin on his face. He wore a bulletproof vest.

You are too weak to lift your gun for another shot.

You are now dead.

What a way to end up! But I suppose it's better than being a hostage... anyways you can pick a different choice or end your story here!

You dodge over to the side, out of the guns view, and easily kick the door in. However, instead of rushing down the flight of stairs, you keep running on the rooftop and have just enough time to hide behind some sort of tanks.

You watch as the enemy races down the stairs and you can feel manic laughter building up inside of you. Your trick had worked!

You slink past the broke in door and race for the helicopter.

However, you are stopped by one gunman, holding a gun against your head.

His grip was firm and sturdy, there would be no way for you knock it out of his hands.

You throw your arms up into the air in the international symbol for surrender.

There was no way that you could go up against this man. It just seemed foolish and impractical.

He grabs your wrist and forces your hands behind your back.

You let out a sigh that was sad, yet relieved. You are being captured by the enemy, however, you no longer have to run. It was time to give up.

The man spoke words to you, but over the helicopter blades whirring in your ears, you could not make out what he was saying.

You were seated and buckled in before the aircraft took off, whisking you away from any happy ending you could have asked for.

Stay tuned for the results and what your choices say about your personality!

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