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If you chose to LET THE MAN LIVE read the normal text.

If you chose to KILL THE MAN read the bold text.

If you chose to IGNORE THE GIRL read the italicized text.

If you chose to KILL THE GIRL read the underlined text.

You shake you're head in disgust befor slipping the gun into the waistband of your pants and running off.

You checked over your shoulder multiple times to make sure that he did not follow you.

The full moon illuminates the black sky, allowing you to see pretty well in the dark.

Once you are certain the man is not following you, you slow to a fast walk.

You are nearby what looks like an abandoned factory.

You become lucky when you see a huge truck. You are fairly certain that there is a radio in there.

You peer in through the drivers window and let out a huge sigh of relief; there was a trucker radio.

You try the door handle and are shocked that the vehicle is unlocked. Another lucky breakthrough for you!

In the glovebox you find a screw driver you can use to pry the radio out of the truck.

Once the radio is out, you quietly shut the door and approach the building. Everything is locked up tight, however you see a ladder connected to the wall that leads up about six stories the the roof.

You are careful as you climb up, keeping in mind that you have a gun in your pants and a radio under your arm. You did not want to lose either or hurt yourself.

You feel exhausted when you reach the top, and you lay down for a moment, just breathing heavily and looking up at the sky.

You think about how the sky isn't actually black.

Rather it's a deep dark navy blue with a hint of purple near the horizon, and it is quite beautiful with the ghastly white lights of the moon and stars to compliment it.

For once you feel momentarily peaceful and strong. The beautiful sky has boosted your morale and you know that you can get through this and get back to your troop.

You get up, and gather rooftop debries to create a S.O.S. This takes hours, but you feel accomplished when you finish.

Next you set up the radio and find a safe channel. Your voice is hoarse when you speak the secret code.

"This is Armstrong looking for Apollo 11 Lunar Module. I need to safely get back to ground."

The code referred back to the moon landing and you had high hope's that someone from your troop would respond.

You repeated the code every five seconds. The sun is starting to rise. Just as you are about to give up for the day, someone replies back to the code.

"Armstrong, this is Aldrin from the Apollo 11 Lunar Module. Please give us your coordinates so we can get you back to the ground safely."

Thank God! You have contacted help. Unfortunately, you do not know your coordinates.

"Aldrin, I don't know my coordinates and I have no way of telling them." You explain.

"Armstrong, can you describe your location?"

"Aldrin, I am on the roof of an old factory. It is roughly six stories high and I have an S.O.S."

"Armstrong, we will have helicopters searching for your location. Hang tight, help is on the way."

You pump your fist into the air and yell hurray! You are finally going to be saved!

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