Runaway to Safety

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If you chose to EXIT THROUGH THE WINDOW ALONE read the normal text.

If you chose to FIGHT JENNINGS read the bold text.

If you chose to WAIT FOR HELP read the italicized text.

You climb through the window in a hurry, withou taking another look back.

You tell yourself over and over again that there was nothing you could do about Jennings. They were not in a good mental state and if you continued to fight for them, you would both end up dead.

You needed to find a radio or a walkie talkie of some sort. This way you would be able to contact help.

However you need to find shelter.

The day was getting brighter at the moment and it would become hard to conceal yourself. You would need some place to stay until nightfall.

You continue to run from the building you had woken up from, and find a strip of woods that skirt the outside of the war active neighborhood.

You head to woods for good cover, but stay low, hoping your clothing would mesh into the natural surroundings.

A plane flies by overhead.

It was small and greenish in color. It flew dangerously low to the ground, causing you to duck.

You could not tell if this was an enemy or ally.

You continue traveling, until you see another neighborhood, this one a little more quiet.

The houses here were intact and strangely reminded you of where an upper middle class citizen would reside back in the United States.

Still the noise of war could be heard off in the distance.

You think about staying in one of those houses. With the war going on it was likely no one was home, but did you really want to take that chance?

You decide to instead keep moving, staying out of plain sight.

You notice a manhole that would no doubt lead to the sewers in the road of the neighborhood.

You peer around you, and then above you before dashing to the manhole and lifting up the cover.

You slip into the sewer, making sure the cover is back in place, before climbing down.

You had expected to smell the overwhelming stench of human waste, but it was surprisingly mellow. It still smelt bad, but it was not as bad.

You allow yourself to smile at that bonus. With everything going on, you knew that you should appreciate the small things to keep morale up. Even if that small thing was a slightly less disgusting sewer smell.

Your shirt was still wrapped around your fist. After trying to escape you had forgotten to put it back on.

You do just that, thankful it was a long sleeve because the sewers were a bit chilly even though outside it was probably 70 farenheit.

You wander the sewers for what feels like a couple of hours, looking for a place to rest. You come across what looks like another manhole.

Nearby is a corner that you think will be a good place to curl up and sleep. This way your back is covered and you have visual access to all entry and escape points.

You are not sleeping long, when you not only hear, but feel the ground above you rumble.

That had to be a bomb of some sort.

You stand up, ready to run.

The manhole opened up and you watched as somebody starts to climb down.

It's hard to tell because of the dull lighting, but you believe they have a gun or a weapon of some sort strapped to their back.

By the person's structure you can tell they are a man, and by what little light shines in from the manhole, he does not seem to be wearing united United States Armed Forces clothing or colors.

He was clearly the enemy looking for soldiers to exterminate.

You have two options.

You could run deeper into the sewers, and look for another way out. This seems like the better choice because it avoids confrontation. However, the enemy is armed and could follow you.

With that being said, you could kill the guy. This would stop him from following you and you could take what he has, and it would be better for survival.

What will you do?

Jennings has a knife pointed at you.

You know you can't leave Jennings like this in their current mental state. They would die.

Even if Jennings perceives you as the enemy, you had to try your best to make them come with you.

"I know your confused, but I am on your side," you tell Jennings.  You can hear the rustling of footsteps from inside the the crumbling building. From the sound you believe it's another child.

Jennings shakes their head, and keeps the blade pointed at you.

"We need to leave!" You say exasperated. "Another child is coming, and I-I don't want a repeat."

You watch Jennings falter.

"F-fine." The whisper, lowering their weapon. "You lead the way out."

You let out a sigh of relief. Finally Jennings was coming to their senses!

You nod, and walk over to the window, your back facing Jennings.

Your ready to explain the escape route to your partner, but before you can, you feel yourself being stabbed in the back, twice.

You feel the knife stuck in you, and it's not in a position for you to pull out. You turn to face Jennings, sensing the remorse in their eyes.

"I'm so sorry," they whisper, before shoving you out the window, letting you fall to your death.

You have died and have failed your mission to go back home.

You can either stop reading here or go back and make a different choice!

You sit down, trusting that Jennings was getting help.

You hear a loud whooping noise mixed in with the sound of gun shots.

You know for a fact that the no American soldier or troop would attract that much noise, but still you are scared. Not only was Jennings behavior odd, but now the whooping noise. It was making you really suspicious.

You think of escaping, but maybe this could be actual help. Even though Jennings took off without you, you still can't help to trust them.

You hide behind a huge piece of rubble, just as you hear a loud banging noise and footsteps.

You risk peeking your head up and see two men dressed in all back, pistols aimed and ready to shoot.

You were confident that they were not American soldiers and that Jennings had tricked you.

They scan the room and it's only a matter of moments before they spot you.

You see that you have three options.

One would be to simply show yourself and hope for the best. Maybe you are wrong and these are soldiers in disguise or something of the sort. However, this could be dangerous.

Another would to be to kill both of them. Right now you could use the element of surprise, but you were one person and they were two. If they reacted fast enough, you would be the one dead.

Another would be to dive out that window, however you fear that you could break your neck or injure yourself.

What is your decision?

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