The Shipwreck

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Will Robinson looked at the walkie talkie in his hands. He took a seat up against a log and looked around.

"Its all going to be okay," Will muttered," Dad will be back for me,"

"Dad will be back for me. He will," Will persisted.

He looked into the forset with a mixture of fear and curiosity. When ever he heard a twig snap or a small rustle, he would freeze and stare into the forset with eyes of iron.

For awhile nothing happened. It was just a peaceful forset with occasionally snaps and rustles. Then when Will started to let his guard down, he saw small embers float his way. At first it was just a couple, then more and more appeared. He stood up and stared at them before almost immediately getting out his communication device.

"This is Will Robinson of the Jupiter 2. Over,"

Static was the only thing to be heard.

Will tried again.

"Calling any survivors. Come in,"

Staic again.

"Do you copy?" More static was his replie and Will sighed.

He looked back at the ice hole for a moment and stood there thinking. Then he turned around and ventured off into the forset very carefully.

As he walked more and more smoke appeared along with more embers.

He walked past a strange tree with long limbs sticking out of it and ducked under it to continue going.

He walked down a hill and saw lots of smoke and fires in the fallen down trees.

Will tried his communicator again.

"Hello? Hello? Is anyone there?" Instead of static, a strange and loud wailing sound screeched. Will cover his ears.

He looked at the communicator curiously with fear and then continued to walk towards the crater, carefully.

Once he climbed over a log he saw a strange sight indeed. A strange black spaceship with an almost scale like texture. The wails seemed to be echoing off the ship as it burned. Will was shocked.

"That's not a Jupiter," he mumbled.

He quickly got out his camera.

"This is Will Robinson of the 24th Colonist Group. I'm making a record of this because it seems I'm the first human to discover evidence of an alien intelligence," He said and pointed the camera at the wreckage while walking closer.

"Why? I don't know why. I don't even know why we crashed. The-The ship has sustained heavy amounts of damage and appears to be non-functional. No sign of any pa-passengers," he said shakly.

He peered closely into it and then he heard a small groan.

He pointed the camera closer.

"Was that-?" Then he stopped.

A girl about his age pulled herself out of the wreckage. Will quickly shut off his camera and walked backwards, tripping over a stick, falling to the ground.

The girl pulled herself out all the way and then began to make crazy hand signals and clicking sounds not even realizing he was there. She made some loud shrieks like the ship was making as she looked around. She looked like she was panicking.

The girl wore a white jumpsuit covered in ashes and cuts over her dark gray skin. She had long copper hair and bright blue eyes, along with strange cuffs on her neck and wrists with strange symbols on them.

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