I take a bite of the cake. It was delicious.

Another tunes in, "How could anyone be so perfect? How lucky could Alpha Theo's mate be? She must've done something notable in their past life!"

I raise a brow, intrigued.

"I feel like I fell down from heaven, " some guy sighs, his expression lost.

Another chimes in, "Imagine what a great fuck th-"

I couldn't help the snort that escapes the ladylike facade I was digging for.

After finishing my plate, I pat my mouth clean with a tissue just like the elegant lady I truly am. I fix my composure, readjust the hood of my black-colored cape, and caress the dress that I recently stole from some girl. I'm glad the fabric was comfy.

However, I just wish that it was red to look rather intimidating. In the contrary, the white dress made me look like some saint. Pfft.

I stroll to the direction the people were leaving from, my interest piqued.

There was a visible crowd around 5 young men and women. I was more thrilled than ever. Vigor runs through my vein and it made me feel enthusiastic.

It was the Royal Crimson Pack.

Most of the people stole glances, trying so hard to not make it obvious— as if their attendance didn't make them engrossed in the slightest. It was a disaster. It was visible that they were an audience judging the performers like they were a piece of art.

And I admit that I was part of that audience.

They were a very fine art.

With one look, I felt the power all 5 of them exuded. My brain buzzed with curiosity and I couldn't help but feel even more and more fascinated.

One of them, a guy with olive skin, curly hair, and beautiful honey brown eyes, sported a bored face. Truthfully, I didn't blame him at all. The party could be more lively. The guy reminded me of someone who could've played the jock in a romantic teenage movie. He just had that bad boy vibes around him.
His muscular arms were wrapped around another's waist, I noticed. He looks at her and gives her a loving expression.

I couldn't resist the small smile creeping on my face. They were a beautiful couple and I couldn't ever deny that.

The girl lays her head on his shoulder, her curled, blonde hair cascading in gorgeous waves. Ocean blue eyes graced her pale skin. She looks exactly like an angel and had that girl next door feel around her.

My eyes travel to the person to her right, who own the same, exact features. Twins.

The boy had straight blonde hair that reaches his ear and the same ocean blue eyes. In contrast though, he looks like an annoying little devil—a jokester or the life of the party. A troublemaker, you could say.

Look who's talking. It wasn't like I was any different.

His lips were downcast and his eyes were frantic. After a while, I concluded that he was trying to calm down his mate, which wasn't working very well.

His Little Mischiefजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें