Chapter 8: Tails, Playwright

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Knuckles and Amy continued to date in secret. They were able to disguise gym trips, grocery runs, and bike rides as "not dates". Sonic had no idea. However, time was ticking, and ticking fast!

"We have got to tell Sonic," Amy pleaded with Knuckles, "I don't want to hold this secret much longer. It's not fair to us, and it's not fair to Sonic." Knuckles shook his head shocked. "NOT FAIR TO SONIC?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?!!" Amy gently took Knuckles's hand and looked at him in the eyes. "He lives here, sweety. Thus meaning he deserves to know. Plus he's our friend." Knuckles nodded his head and whispered "You're right... As always" and grinned. They kissed and hugged then stood up, hand in hand.

Remembering Tails's promise about the play (see Chapter 5), Knuckles and Amy walked down to his room. They knew it had to be done, and fast.


Tails opened his door. "It's time, isn't it?" Tails asked. They both nodded, in sync with one another. They walked into the room, shut the door, and sat down by Tails's desk. Tails pulled out his notebook, grabbed his quill and ink, and began to write.

Knuckles and Amy helped him write. They gave insight on dialogue, helped him create drama, and spell checked his work. The play practically wrote itself though. It was easy enough considering they were telling the truth.

Hours passed and they were almost done when suddenly.


"Hey guys! How's it hanging???" It was Sonic. Tails quickly and discretely covered the work with blueprints to a new plane he was planning on building. They all sweated a little. "We're good. Just working on things to help the battle against Eggman!" Amy said loudly and awkwardly. Sonic nodded, smiling. He was happy with the "news", even though it was all false. "Great. Can't wait to see them. Oh, Knuckles and Amy. Could I speak with you in the kitchen? Thanks!"

He exited. Knuckles and Amy looked at each other, then at Tails.

"He knows..."

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