Chapter 7

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Leprii woke to the sound of yelling and fighting coming from downstairs. What are they fighting about now? She groaned, rolled out of her bed, got dressed, and went downstairs to find all four boys and Tabitha fighting over something.

Pietro was the first one to see Leprii come down the stairs and he sped over to her. "Leprii! Just the girl we were looking for."

"Yeah, we need help with a little...problem," Toad said as he jumped over.

"What do you want?" she asked cooly. Them needing her was rarely a good thing.

"Y'see, we just lost electric-"

"And y'know, with your abilities and all-"

"We were wondering if you would be able to... uh..." Lance mumbled the rest.

"I can't hear you," Leprii said, annoyed.

"We were, uh, wondering if you would-if you're willing to, that is-"

"Jesus!" Tabitha suddenly yelled. "They want you to use your fancy electric powers to turn the lights and TV on so they can watch a stupid football game." The room went silent as the boys started at Tabitha with their mouths open.

"You want me to waste my time and energy so you can watch TV?" Leprii said, raising her eyebrows. "Not gonna happen."

"C'mon, Leprii! We don't have any power!" Leprii rolled her eyes as she moved to the front door.

"My lights work perfectly fine!"

"Leprii, wait!"

"I'm leaving."


"Kitty Pryde, I am amazed," Mrs. Bennett stated. "Most people can't program such complicated game protocols without crashing their computer. You, on the other hand, have managed to crash three."

Leprii snickered along with the rest of the class and looked over to see three smoking computers in front of the mutant. Looking back at her own screen, she continued the 'coding exercise' the class was supposed to be doing. In reality, Leprii was using it as a good training exercise for her powers. And it was working wonderfully.

"Why don't you take a note or two from Miss Kolete over here? She seems to be the most proficient out of everyone." Leprii flashed a fake smile at Kitty.

"Sorry, I didn't get much sleep," Kitty said.

Leprii couldn't hear if Mrs. Bennett said anything back to Kitty because of the sudden commotion from the two kids next to her. A new girl, Risty, stood over another kid, Webber's, shoulder as he played some sort of game on the computer. Leprii was about to send a shock towards the computer, a new trick she was working on, but the teacher walked over and shut off the computer first.

"I think we've crashed enough computers for one day," she sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Class dismissed."

Everyone stood up and began walking out of the door and Leprii gathered her things. She headed for the door but was stopped by Mrs. Bennett.

"Miss Kolete, would you please stay for a second? I would like to talk to you."

Leprii's teachers only say that when they want to talk about her tardiness or absences, and it usually ended in her getting detention. Not that she paid them any attention. But Leprii was always on time and present in her computer class, as it was the only one she enjoyed. It allowed her to practice her abilities without draining her energy too much.

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