Chapter 19: The Great Rohan Kishibe, part 1

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, you're right."

"Hey, I wonder if Rohan has any family." Koichi pondered.

"From what I hear, he lives alone. He made his debut four years ago, back when he was sixteen." Hazamada told Koichi as he looks up at the window.

"Say what? He's only twenty-years-old?" Koichi exclaimed. "That means he was about my age when he went pro."

"Snooping around out here won't do us any good Koichi. You're gonna have to ring the doorbell!" Hazamada said.

"Huh?! But why do I have to do it?!" Koichi asked him.

"Isn't it obvious? I have seniority over you, and to be honest, this kind of stuff makes me nervous." Hazamada said as Koichi let out a small whine. "That's not fair at all..." He said as he begins to approach the door about to ring the doorbell. But before his finger could press the button, the door opened and a hand shoots out, grabbing Koichi's wrist. Startled, Koichi screams as the person holds onto him.

Hazamada runs up to the door and was pointing at the person gripping Koichi, talking very vehemently.  "Hey, I recognised him! It's Rohan Kishibe, he looks just like his picture on the cover of that special new year's audition!" He said. He flinched and hid behind Koichi when Rohan's cold eyes glanced over to him. "I-I mean, Mr. Rohan." Rohan finally lets go of Koichi, opening the door and fully stepping out.

Rohan is a handsome individual of average build and height. He has dark green hair with an undercut that is slicked sideways, fair skin and has green eyes. He wore a light purple shirt under a light green semi-unbuttoned vest with white pants and light green shoes, as well as wearing a green headband and gold pen earrings.

"And who, pray tell, are you? Why are you here? Some kind of prank?!" Rohan questioned them. Koichi and Hazamada quickly backed away a bit and the black-haired boy explained themselves while Koichi hid behind him. "No! We'd never do that, honest! We're students from Budogaoka High School!"

"Yeah, we're fans of yours, sensei!" Koichi said.

"Fans? Of me, really? My address must've gotten leaked." Rohan says as he begins looking around for anyone else that may be hiding to get to him. If his address was leaked out then it'll be a pain to relocate. "That's not it at all! I-I just happened to hear it in passing." Hazamada told him. "Hope it's not too much trouble, Mr. Rohan, but could we have a couple of autographs? It'll really make our day." Hazamada said.

"So you're fans, eh?" Rohan asked as a smile spread across his face. "Tremendous, we might just be on the same wavelength."


"Nothing, don't mind me. Please come in." Rohan says as he pushes the door open and allows them access into his home. "It would be a pleasure to sign autographs for two of my biggest fans." He chuckled a bit. The two boys lit up brighter than a Christmas tree as they blushed in excitement. "You see?! Aren't you glad we came?!" Hazamada excitedly asked Koichi.

"I know, how would you like a little studio tour while you're here?" Rohan suggested to them.

"You'd really let us see where the magic happens?!" The two asked in unison, getting more hyped up.

"I've already finished today's work, but if you're still interested...then," Rohan says as he gestures towards his home. The two students immediately stood straight and behaved rather formal towards the young man. "We are!" They said, again in unison.

"Come in."

"Pardon the intrusion." They said as they walked inside the house. As they stared in awe at the interior decor, Rohan smiles at them as he walks over to shut the door. He then leads them up the stairs and reveals to them his private studio. "Here it is." He says. The boys couldn't contain their excitement as they practically ran inside the studio, looking at every inch of it. Koichi's jaw nearly dropped when he saw four coloured pieces of Rohan's work hung up on the wall.

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