95. saturday, june 2017

Começar do início

"Every girl in here will thank me." She smirked, stating her catchphrase Alex heard before every show she attended.

"I bet." He chuckled. Her eyes left his and lit up at the sight of something. Alex would've followed her gaze but she was too captivating.

"Carla!" She beamed. Alex's head snapped to the side excitedly and he watched Luna approach the familiar girl. "I'm so glad you made it!" The girls squeezed each other tightly before Alex invaded and hugged her tightly.

Luna stood with the group as they discussed the past few months and the plans they had for the bakery. Alex told Carla about the house which she seemed very excited about. Luna watched his facial expressions as he spoke, realising he was passionate about everything he shared with them. Her hand slipped around his back, taking pride in the fact he was hers as she rubbed circles.

Alex made a swift exit from the conversation, making his way to where the music was being controlled. He grabbed a microphone, feeling his heart thumping in his chest. Usually he sang, no one ever had to hear him speak. He was so nervous to speak about the woman he loved in front of a hundred other people who also loved her. How could he do her justice?

"Excuse me" He cleared his throat into the microphone, staring at the floor. Everyone's faces turned to look at him. "Hello, my name is Alex. You are currently stood in my other half's bakery" He clapped his hands together and everyone joined in.

Luna watched him on stage, he looked so nervous, so out of place which was unusual as the stage was where he was at his most comfortable. She clasped her hands together as everyone clapped for her and smiled in response but her eyes didn't waver from Alex, who still hadn't looked up.

Finally, he dared to look out into the crowd and saw all the faces now facing Luna. He loosened up, knowing they were all there to celebrate her and no one was thinking about what he seemed like in that moment.

"I will let her speak, I promise" He chuckled, "But first I just want to express how proud I am and everyone in this room is of you my dear" There were a few cheers in the crowd which made her blush. "You are building your empire and I've said it a thousand times before but I am so grateful and lucky to be able to watch you do it." Her face blushed even harder at his kind words and she blew him a kiss. "Okay, come up here before I embarrass myself even more. The amazing Luna Temple everyone!" he beamed, clapping his hands together and grinning hard as she approached him.

She clasped onto the microphone with one hand, using the other to wrap her arm around his neck and kiss his cheek.

"Thank you, Alexander." She nodded to him as he took a step to the side, reluctantly letting go of his hand with a quick squeeze. He stepped back and folded his arms, watching her with so much adoration.

"First of all, thank you to everyone for coming tonight. It really means a lot to me that you all would want to be here. Whether you've known me my whole life or only a short while, I owe every single one of you a thank you because of your support in this journey." She started. Alex cheered and led a clap that everyone followed. Luna gazed at him as he clapped her. "Alright Al, I'm getting to you" she said to the microphone which earned a hardy laugh from him. "I'll be quick, I want to thank by name Ingrid, Jen, Carla, Harry, Miles and all the arctic monkeys for being my best mates and doing what they can to help me make this tonight."

"We love you!" Miles' voice cheered. Luna glanced in his direction to see him stood with Harry and the rest of the monkeys. She grinned and nodded her head.

"Last but not least, Mr Alex Turner" She turned her head towards him and he broke out into a wide smile. "Thank you for putting up with my endless stress, constantly reassuring me this is what I actually want to do and picking me up when I'm down. I'm not exaggerating when I say if it weren't for you I would definitely still be in Sheffield, living a comfortable life with only one bakery. You pushed me out of my comfort zone, practically forcing me out of the country at one point just to get away from you but if you hadn't I wouldn't have pushed myself to be better" She hadn't prepared that, it all just flowed out of her.

"Ah, i'm gonna cry" Miles' voice rang from the crowd, causing everyone to burst out laughing.

Alex didn't hear anything other than his own heartbeat thudding, walking to her and wrapping an arm around her. She kissed his cheek and laughed as they cheered for her again.

"Have a great night everyone" She said into the microphone before allowing Alex to kiss her hard. She was just trying not to grin and get her teeth in the way.

The next few chapters are gonna be very sporadic as they are the last few chapters so pay attention to the date at the top so you don't get confused.

alexander- a.tOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora