49. sunday, november 2014

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Back in London, Alex had finished touring with Arctic Monkeys and the group had decided to take a few years off because Matt had just had his first child and they had been on a never ending cycle of album releasing and touring for eight years.

Alex walked into his label's London base building for a very exciting meeting. He had been on holiday for a couple of weeks to relax just as they had instructed him to but he was starting to go insane, he needed to write music.

Standing in the lift, he brushed back his hair into his usual style and checked himself out. He had left his leather jacket at home for once, settling for a pair of suit trousers and a white shirt instead.

The doors opened and he spun out of it, feeling too excited about what they were about to have a meeting about. He glided through the offices, saying hi to people he recognised along the way.

He burst through the door and watched everyone's heads turn to him. Across the room, Miles stood up and grinned wildly. Alex waved to everyone politely but made a b line for his mate, attacking him in a hug.

"Let's do this." Alex sighed, taking a seat next to him.

"Okay. So, you two want to do another album. We support that, obviously, it's almost been eight years." Their manager said. James Ford was sat across the table with all of their record people.

"Have you got any songs written already or will you need time?" One asked. Alex looked at Miles who was looking at him.

"I've got some." Alex pointed out. "Let's be honest, when am I not writing?" Everyone chuckled and Miles agreed.

"Yeah I've got some as well. We just need the studio space and some time to write together." He said more to Alex than anything else.

"Which we can do anytime really." Alex shrugged. Miles nodded.

"We've got...um..." Alex was trying to get his words out while simultaneously pour himself a cup of coffee but Miles was already one step ahead.

"...aviation already written." He finished. Alex nodded in his direction.

"Which we're really excited about and it sounds very puppety." Alex finally got his words out as he sipped his coffee.

The people in the room watched these two chaotic men finish each other's sentences and try to express what they wanted to say without excluding the entire room completely.

"So, studio space." James Ford butted in. Alex and Miles nodded at the same time, ready to hear what he had to say.

"I feel like...I need time away from America, James." Alex explained. "Miles?" He looked to grow support.

"Yeah, let's get out and live somewhere different to record this album." Miles agreed. Alex sat back in his chair, knowing he was at that level in the music industry where he could pretty much do what he wanted and these meetings were just to tell them what he wanted.

"Okay." James thought for a moment. "Are you thinking Europe?" He wondered. Miles looked at Alex with an expression on his face as if to say that he had an idea. The only thing was, Alex didn't know what he was about to say for once.

"What about Miloco, in Paris." Miles suggested. Alex choked on his coffee, coughing and spluttering all over the place. Everyone stared at him with concern but he hit his chest and he was fine.

James responded to Miles' request but Alex was staring at the floor. If they recorded this album in Paris, that would mean that he would be living in Paris for a few months by next year. He did the calculations in his head and figured out that Luna would be there when he was. He could get her, he could finally have her if she would let him.

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