"You alright?"

He looks at me suprised and nods "Yes, I'm alright but my friend Pixal got akumatized! She just grapped me!"

//So this robotor is Pixal..//

I free him out of the hand and pick up him, the other robotors hand tries to hit me but I jump away while carrying Zane. I land on a rooftop and hide behind some walls. I put him down and look at him.

"Where's the Akuma? And what happend"

"It landed on her phone, but I don't know where it is now. And we were just hanging out together then this girls appeared and started to flirt with me. I wanted to stop them since I really like Pixal and that would be so disrespectful to her. But they kept flirting and then she got akumatized"

I look at him suprised. Seems like Zane is in love with Pixal. And Pixal is probally in love with him too. And they don't notice?? Wow they're really alike. I shake my head and look around. "It's probably somewhere inside of the robotor..."

I noticed his expression and look at him. "You alright?"

"Huh? Ehm yeah...I was just...I thought that you remember me of one of my friends..."

I try to not show how shooked I am. "Oh really? Then he must be pretty handsome"

Zane rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Wow, but you two really have the same eyes..." He keeps looking into my eyes. "Really...they look...really similar..."

I take out a box with a miraculous and show it to him, interrupting him.

"ZANE- Julien, this is the miraculous of the penguin which grants you the power of ice. You will use it for th-"

Just when I was about to finish my sentence the robotor punches the building on which we're sitting, it starts to collapse, I lose the box.

"Oh no!!!" It falls over the edge of the building. I jump after the box and catch it mid air. I throw it up to Zane and start to fight the robotor. For a while it's working out, but I notice that I get more and more tired, I have to end this quick! At some point I noticed a falcon flying around the robotor but I didn't really mind. Right now I'm about to get crushed by the robotors foot, I can just hold it up so it won't crush me but I can't do this any longer. The foot get's stronger and presses me slowly down. My arms are  trembling and are slowly giving up.

"Oh no..come on...!"

I'm already laying on the ground and somehow sill try hold the foot up when the foot suddenly froze.


"Come out of there!!" I see a hand reaching under the foot to me. I take the hand someone pulls me out. I look at the person and smile. It's Zane, but he's tranformed in a ninja. He wears a white gi and the miraculous on his face, due to it being a mask, it looks silver.

"Thank you, that was close."

"Your welcome. Call me Blanc. And I found something." The falcon lands on his shoulder. "My little friend found on the back of the robotor a luke which you can enter. But it needs a passcode to open."

I look suprised at the falcon. "How did...?"

"Oh, he's a robotor, I can watch through his eyes with my phone. My father made him for me, I found him and now he's like a little friend for me."

I smile slightly. I didn't knew, probally I didn't noticed. Yeah I didn't noticed many things lately.

"I see. Ok I will try to open the luke you have to keep her distracted."

He nods and we both split up when the ice of the foot broke and it started to move again. I run around the robotor while Blanc keeps distracting it and froze it sometimes. But since he used his powers already he has not much time left. I land on the robotors back and hold onto it. I look at the key pad.

"It's a four letter password!!! What could it be??" I yell over to him.

"Letters??" He dodges the robotors hand and frozes it. "Not numbers? I don't know, why would it be a word, statistically such passwords are always numbers!"

I look at the keypad for a while. A word. Four letters.

Miraculous Ninja: A crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now