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Pain. Pain enveloped his whole body like a cocoon. The pain burrowing under his skin, every inch of his body is suffering under stabbing like pain.
For a stretch of time, the pain become a raging fire that devours his whole being and soon leave him feeling numb.

But the numbness didn't last long as it was replaced by the unrelenting feeling of coldness.

Cold. The cold wash over him like ice. Icy tendrils snaking around him, freezing and dragging him down to the depths leaving him to become a shivering mess.

It was dark. The darkness of the surroundings makes it even seem like colder than it was. Making it impossible to see the surrounding.

Then suddenly there was light. A pinprick of light right above him, but light nonetheless. He could now see that the darkness around him has a greenish tint on it.

And that was when he was made aware of the burning sensation in his lungs. The lack of oxygen makes it known that he was suffocating, unable to breath underwater.

Water. I'm not supposed to be in the water.

This realization has him thrashing around wildly, trying to break through the water's surface, to not to drown.


Unknown Location

Traversing inside the League of Assassin facility, the batclan efficiently and quietly navigate through its labyrinth like structure while taking down the enemy.

“Isn't this facility supposed to be an abandoned one?” Nightwing said.“How come there's so many guards.”

“Who cares about that, all we need to do is beat their asses” Red Hood growls.

“Apparently they restarted their operations here about two weeks ago.” Red Robin said through their comms. “I'm still looking through their files so I can't really say what they are doing here.”

“tch, can't you be any more faster Red.” said Robin.

“Enough, Whatever it is it must be important for them to restart this facility. We'll know soon once we clean this place up.” said Batman.

“Sure thing B” said Nightwing as he went ahead of the group. Soon he stopped by a very imposing pair of doors.

“Looks like I found a very important looking room.” Nightwing said through the commlink.“I'm now going to take a look inside.”

Setting a palm on the surface of the door and giving it an experimental push, Nightwing was surprised that the it immediately gave way.

Aw. Would you look at that, its not even locked.

Pushing the doors fully open, the sight that greet Nightwing made him gasp in surprise.

“Guys, you need to see this ASAP.” Nightwing said on the comms.

“We're on our way.” said Batman.

It doesn't take long before the others arrive and enters the room.

“Lazarus pit.” Red Hood growls out.

“I thought we've destroyed every one of these pit.” said Red Robin.

“Well it seems we miss one” Nightwing said.

“Then what the hell are we waiting for.” Red Hood said. “Let's des-”


A hand suddenly broke the pits surface.

“What the-” Red Robin squawked

The hand was soon followed by another one, then a head broke out the surfaced, bobbing up and down the water surface, thrashing wildly.

“Sh*t, its a person.” Red Robin said.

“tt, Obviously.” Robin said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

“We have to get him out, his drowning.” said Nightwing.

“No sh*t sherlock”said Red Hood “And just how are we going to do that?”

“Give me all your grapples and ropes” Batman demanded.

It took a few minutes to make an improvise floating device, coupled with the ropes formed into lasso thrown to the person drowning, it didn't take long to draw him to the pits banks.

By now everyone can see that the person they just saved was a child, a ten year old child from his looks, who has passed out due to lack of oxygen. The child has black hair, wearing a faded purple t-shirt and jeans.

Batman didn't waste any time and immediately gave the child a CPR. He didn't stop until the child was coughing and spluttering lazarus water from his mouth. After a few moments of coughing, the child eyes weakly fluttered open, electric blue eyes blearily look at them before passing out entirely once more.

“So what are we going to do with this child?” Robin asked.

“We'll bring him back with us” Batman said looming at the child.“We will keep him under surveillance. He might be a threat.”

Author's notes:
1. Jason Grace was de-aged to around ten years old. Also I know he has blond hair but the dip in the lazarus pit turned his blond hair to black. So he will have black hair in this story.

2. I'm not yet sure about the batclan members age in this story, I'll figure it out soon.

3. I know its OOC, I been having hard time grasping the character's character. Especially since its been a long time since I last watch/read any batman related material.

4. I've read many PJO/DC fics and they all used Percy, Fem Percy, or Nico. So I thought about using Jason.

5. It will probably gets confusing later which Jason am I refering to so I may use full name for them.

6. My update are inconsistent.

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