Chapter 1

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Hey, i have always wanted to write a werewolf story.. so i did! I hope you enjoy my story as much as i did writing it...  Have fun! 

* Also the first few chapters are background for Alex and Emily and how close they are... just to  clear things up.

 * thank you to my wonderful editor! <3

“Emily! Come here I want to show you something!” “I’m coming Alex!” I beamed. It is the day before my seventh birthday. Alex and I were always smarter than the other kids, so as a result  we became outcasts. We didn’t mind though. We had books and each other to keep us company. I only knew Alex for about a year but there was an instant connection between us. It is almost magical, our friendship is perfect. I run over to Alex who is knelt down by a log, holding a lizard. I giggle as I shriek. “Gross Alex!” “Did you know that they can grow their tails back?” “Really?!” He goes to rip the tail off but I stop him. “I believe you Alex. Please don’t do that! It could hurt the poor thing,” I tell him with tears in my eyes. I am always quick to cry. I don’t mean to. In fact I hate, no despise looking weak, especially in front of Alex. He looks up at me and then puts the lizard down; it scurries off hiding inside the log. “I’m sorry Emily.” His eyes fill with sadness as he sees me cry; I wonder why he is always so quick to apologize to me if I’m upset, I assume it is because he doesn’t want to lose his only friend. But it makes me wonder a lot because he doesn’t seem to care if he has friends. He only cares if he has me. He hugs me, and I hug him back. He always gives the best hugs. It was my addiction and he knew it. If he wanted my cookie he would hug me and I would willingly give it to him. He backs up after a few moments of the hug and he smiles. “I got you something.” “But my birthday is tomorrow!” I didn’t put up much of an argument. He knew I wouldn’t, I was an impatient child; always was and always will be. It was amazing how well he knew me after only a year. He gave me a small box. I opened it quickly and saw a few slips of paper fall out. I bent down and picked them up, they had Alex’s poor handwriting on them. I read it. Free hug. Admit 1 Emily. I hugged him. “Thank you Alex I love it!” he smiles his goofy boyish grin. “Does that mean you’re turning one in now?” I stopped mid-hug. “I’m kidding Emily!”  He hugs me tightly as I grin a silly  smile. “There’s more. Look inside the box!” he says anxiously. I look at him puzzled. I pick up the small box again and see a small glint of a chain under the many slips of paper. I lift the chain out and examine it. Now most six year old girls played dress up, messed with their mother’s makeup and loved everything shiny. I was not one of those girls. To me, makeup smelled weird and was sticky, jewelry was irritating, and playing dress up involved to many dresses and princess costumes. But the sight of that small chain with a small gold heart pendant was enough to cry and smile. Alex looked at me and was thrilled that I loved it. He lifted my curly brown hair, placed it over my shoulder and helped me place the gold chain around my small neck. I turned around when he clasped it together and I hugged him tightly with tears of joy running down my cheeks. At that moment I realized just how many years ahead of our time we really were. Here we were an almost seven and eight year old with full vocabulary skills, able to multiply equations most middle-schoolers had trouble with, and now we stood in the woods of our pack territory, a small chain necklace my best friend gave me around my neck; hugging like if our lives depended on it. If I didn’t know better I would have thought that it was love. But I know from the stories my mommy always told me that I have a boy out there that was meant to be with me and that would love me with all of his heart. Plus who has ever heard of a Six year old falling in love. No matter what the feelings I felt inside of me were, I decided to say nothing and stay friends with Alex and hope nothing ever changes, at least not until the day I finally meet my mate. Even  when I do find that person, Alex will still be my best friend. Forever and always. No one can change that. 

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