Chapter Four

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  • Dedicated to Samantha Garza

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     Kat hadn't been on a lot of dates in her seventeen years, but the one she had went on with Bailey was definitely the worst , but it was also the best. It was confusing, but to her it was a lot like one of those jokes that are so stupid, you can't help but laugh.

      The date started out at a little cafe not too far from their high school, one Kat was always passing on her way to and from school, but had never had the chance to stop in. They had lunch, and Bailey told Kat a little about her childhood. Kat in turn flubbed up a past for Alyson, wanting there to be as much space between the two girl's personalities and histories as possible. They ended up at a skating rink some time later, both girls hugging the rink wall since they had failed to mention to the other they couldn't skate. That was also when Kat fell and broke her arm. Alyson didn't wear glasses and Kat was far sighted without them. Bailey was so focused on keeping her feet from slipping out underneath her, both girls had failed to see the wall coming at their faces. Kat hit first, with Bailey landing on top of her. Her arm was bent under her at an odd angle, and neither girl could ignore the distinct snap that sounded. They spent three hours in a hospital waiting room after that.

      Kat was sitting on her bed the Sunday after, staring at her arm in its big, bulky, purple cast, with the words 'I told you to break a LEG' scrawled in Nik's messy script.

     "Smart ass." she muttered, glaring at her. Nik had shown up earlier in the morning after she found out, a permanent marker in one hand, a bag of Kat's favorite flavored Twizzlers in the other, along with a gallon of chocolate milk and a box of dots. It was all to help Kat's suffering, both physical and mental.

     "And. You love me anyways," She replied. "But this definitely makes things better with Bailey, right? She feels bad, wants to make it up, blah, blah, blah....?"

     Kat shrugged her shoulders.

     "I don't know, I haven't talked to her since that night. She felt so bad, she dropped me off right after we left the hospital, and hasn't bothered to text or call since."

      "Phones work both ways, Kat. Why haven't you called her? Or texted her?"

      "What if she wants to sign it?" Kat asked, lifting her arm up for emphasis.

      "Then let her sign it!" Nik replied, exasperated. She threw her hands in the air before flopping onto her side on the futon like a fish out of water.

      "Yeah, but if she signs it when I'm Alyson, and sees it when I'm Kat, then what?"

      Nik thought for a minute. "Good point. How's the tutoring going?"

      Kat rolled her eyes. As Kat, she had to see Bailey since she was tutoring her. Now, the brunette was just biding her time before Bailey would have to see the cast. She wanted to make it look as inconspicuous as possible, but since it was big and purple, she highly doubted she could.

      "They do happen once in a while. And they're not." Kat answered.

      "Again, why not?"

      "Don't you think me just randomly showing up with a cast on my arm the Monday after Alyson hurts herself on their date is kind of strange?"

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