The Beginning of an End

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The night was warm, a full moon high in the diamond sky as man and woman walked on the shore, hand in hand with no care in the world. While the young in years swam without a doubt of harm in the endless black ocean.

But there on an old, wide dock stood a man looking out into the water waiting for his part in the war under the sea. So he waited while a battle churned, waited as the night went on.

And at the bottom of the ocean, a king kissed his sleeping daughter before he laid her in the arms of his wife, the queen.

"Maddyson," he whispered, "she will be fine. Our friend awaits and we know not how much time before these doors fall. She will be safe, my queen."

"I know." Her cheek turned into his strong and gentle hand, hoping she'll see her daughter again. Wishing for things to be different. "I love you, baby girl. Mother loves you very much."

"Your Majesty, please. We must hurry!"

They were getting closer by the seconds. Killing all who stood in their way, wanting nothing else but blood shed.

Queen Maddyson handed the baby to her best friend, her sister. They shared a look and Rebecca knew no harm must ever come to this child.

On a nod goodbye, she swam through the window, behind the castle, and up to the surface using a secret way only her family knew.

With one of the strongest tail in the kingdom, she made her way to the surface, clutching onto the shell she wore around her neck, transforming into a human as she reached the rocky shore.

There, she was spotted by the man on the dock. They ran to each other, the mermaid into the arms of a human. He hugged her tight, looking down at the innocent baby in the arms of his wife. She touched the child's necklace, turning her to human and as Quentin watched the child transform, she looked out to the sea.

Her home that she must abandon to keep her niece safe. The home she once thought would always be safe but the world proved her wrong.

For her sister fought with the king by her side. They fought with a ferocity they did not know they had and they fought for the chance of their daughter coming back to them.

A sword rang out deep in the endless water. It rang out far and wide, seared into the memory of the kingdom. So that all of the mer-people and sea creatures knew, the battle will not be over until their Majesty's' life has ended.


I did it! I published this as a story and got the next chapter already up. Go check it out please, it's called>>>>>>> 'Water Born'


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