Raining Roses { pt2 }

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I can't believe I'm doing this. It's actually happening!

The mirror reflected me in a beautiful dress that I am currently borrowing. It hugged my bodice, giving me actual curves and shortly ended above my knees. The skirt part of the dress was layered underneath to add volume and 'fluff'. Even though I probably didn't need it, I slipped on my only black super-short-shorts.

The color was a deep gold and a black overlay, with speckles of golden shiny dust on the top. My heels were black wedges. Makeup placed to the minimum. Only eyeliner and deep-pink lipstick —like my natural pink, almost reddish, lips. My hair was cleverly clipped up, leaving curly strands out to frame my face and my neck bare.

I stared at my reflection. How could major changes in my style still make me look so... Boring.

The off shoulder straps could make any girl sexy; Any girl except me. But, either way I'm still going and if this is just a hoax, at least I'll be in style.

Spritzing some floral-like perfume, I pulled my simple gold mask over my face.

The gold was a nice contrast to my natural colors. Such as the gold pins against my very dark hair. And the dress bringing out my tan skin tone, while the mask was a stark contrast to my eyes.


A disco was hung up on the ceiling of the dance floor. The snack area was placed far to the left of the floor, but nobody was there. They all seemed to be congregated under the lights or at a dimly lit table making out with their partner.

I was told, from a note in my locker to meet them —whoever they are— at the roof, 8:30 sharp.

I have twenty-nine minutes to change my mind and turn around. Within five minutes I was heading out the door.

"Wait." A familiar yet not so familiar voice called to me. A hand grabbed mine and he started leading me to the dance floor. "I want you to dance with me."

I panicked, "I'm no good."

"But I don't know if that's true," he said. Grinning devilishly.

He lifted my hand to his and laid a hand at the curve of my back, in a waltz style. "I don't even know you."

"Yes you do." Leading the dance, he twirled and moved me with a beat against the music.

People were looking, glancing over.

The song changed and the DJ had changed it to an actual waltz. Now people were just around us, watching.

"You lied." The guy said, bringing my attention back to him. "You are a good dancer."

"I did not lie; I just have a good dance partner." The song stopped and a voice came on the speakers.

We stopped too, but instead of listening, he led me out of the building. Pulled me towards the little pond the school had planted once upon a time.

"You aren't going to kill me are you?" He laughed, loud and almost child-like.

"No. Just wait here, they're coming." A smart person would have thought that was strange, thinking perhaps they are coming to rob me. Then again, nothing on paper can truly mean that is true in life.


{< POV Switch >}

He said she was already outside, waiting. He told me she looked beyond beautiful, but that's not new. She's always been beyond beautiful.

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