Chapter Twelve

Magsimula sa umpisa

"After you," he said suddenly, making her raise her head again.

He stood next to a massive glass door, holding it open and one arm held out to usher her through. She slowly stepped outside, instinctively curling her toes in the lush green grass as it caressed her bare feet.

Small pleasures.

A hint of a smile curved the corners of his mouth as he noticed her act, but he didn't say anything as he closed the door over behind them. "These are my private gardens," he told her as they began walking again. "Only my son has access, and he is out on patrol. We will not be disturbed, and you will not have to face anyone that you do not wish to."

She nodded. "Thankyou. I do not think that I wish to deal with others just now."

"No. The time is not right yet," he replied. "You still have much healing to do, more so emotionally now than physically. Your wound is healing well, and this pleases me. For a long time we thought that perhaps you would not survive."

She came to a stop, and he did likewise.

"Is it so important to you that I survive?" she asked, gazing up at him.

Expressionless eyes stared back. "Yes," he said finally. "It is."


He gave her a look over his shoulder as he resumed walking. "Some things happen for a reason," he said. "And not everything is as clear as we would wish for it to be."

She frowned as she followed him. "What is that supposed to mean?"

He sighed. "It means, little Bluebird, that you do not yet know of your fate, and what it will bring with it."

"Bluebird?" she echoed.

He smiled, the gesture shocking her. His entire face changed when he smiled, and he seemed to almost glow in perfection. "Your name – Elu. It is Sindarin for blue."

"I know."

"And when I came to you in the mill, you were lying like a fragile, wounded little bird," he explained. "Hence Bluebird. I think the name fits you well."

She scowled silently.

"However," he snapped, whirling around to face her and making her jump in fright. "Whilst you may possess the gentleness of a bluebird, you also have the strength of an eagle. And it is your fate that you find this strength and use it."

"I..." She faltered, confused.

He tilted his head back slightly, gazing at her down his aristocratic nose. "You have no choice, Elu. Your strength will come to you when the time is right."

She frowned. "How do you know this?" she asked curiously.

"I know many things." He started walking again, leading her into an area thick with trees.

"You know how to confuse a person," she acknowledged.

Another cold glare. "I may not have Lady Galadriel or Lord Elrond's foresight, and I may not possess a Ring of Power, but it would be a colossal mistake to underestimate me."

"I think that the fact that you have successfully ruled and protected your realm for thousands of years without either a Ring of Power or the gift of foresight speaks volumes, and that itself should not be discredited," she retorted. "What makes you think that I am underestimating you?"

"Your attitude."

Her eyebrows rose, but she chose not to respond to his abrupt answer. "May I stop for a rest?" she asked instead.

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