Chapter Eleven

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The journey back through the woodlands took longer, as the horses moved in a gentle canter rather than a flat-out gallop. Thranduil's arms remained tightly around Elu, who remained unconscious.

"Does she still breathe?" Legolas asked in concern.

"Yes, although barely," he replied as he glanced down at her. "I fear we may have been too late."

"I do not think so, else you would not have been able to stop the bleeding like you did," his son said. "Once we arrive back home, I am sure Assana can-"

"No," he interrupted. "I shall take her to the Waters Of Wellness."

Legolas's eyes widened in surprise. "I...I thought they had dried up many years ago," he said. "They still exist?"

"Yes. Very few are aware of the pool," Thranduil responded, glancing over at him as they rode. "The entrance has not opened for thousands of years, and even when it did, only a select few could gain access. My father was one of them, as was I."

"Yet you have never visited the waters for any of your own injuries," he murmered.

"None of my injuries were fatal," he told him. "The injury that Elu carries will be fatal if I do not do something."

The Prince nodded. "I understand. Do you need me to assist?"

"I may."

"Then I shall accompany you there."

The rest of the journey passed in peaceful silence, with the only noise being the rustling of the leaves and plants as the horses passed through. They eventually broke free from the forest and made their way across the cobbled walkway, where Melderion was waiting faithfully as usual. He wordlessly took the reins of the King's horse and bade the animal to kneel, allowing him to dismount.

"Have one of the grooms tend to the horses," Thranduil instructed. "I may have need of you."

"Of course, my Lord," the aide replied. He beckoned a stable-hand over and passed on the instruction, turning both animals over to him and then following the royal pair.

They walked down many twisting passageways that ran deep into the belly of the palace, most of them forgotten about over the ages. Thranduil however, had never forgotten them, or where they led to. The walk was silent as the three ellons walked further along the seemingly endless route of twists and turns.

Finally coming to a halt outside a sheer rock face, Thranduil turned to his companions. "You will be able to enter with me," he said solemnly. "Should either of you attempt to enter alone, you will be unable to. In time, my son, you will have the power to gain entry," he added to Legolas. "With time comes age, wisdom, and experience, and this will grant you the ability to open the doors, along with your heritage."

His son nodded.

He turned back to the rock, closed his eyes and whispered something in a voice so quiet, neither ellon could hear it. His words were in a language so old, they would never have been able to decipher it even if they could hear it.

A few seconds passed and a previously concealed panel in the rock face began to shift, making a loud grinding noise as it moved.

"It has been many a millennia since I trod through this doorway," he said, reverting back to their spoken language. "If I recall correctly, the last time was when my Father had been injured in battle...long before he fell."

A peaceful, tranquil air filled the cavernous space. Water flowed down at various points to collect in a large pool set into the rocks. Legolas turned his gaze towards the roof, curious as to where the solitary beam of natural light shone in. A small gap in the stone roof provided the answer, and he shook his head to himself as he followed his father, with Melderion walking behind him.

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