Chapter Five

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It was a strong, determined King who presented himself in the courtyard the following morning. His guards were already mounted and waiting for further instruction as he made his way towards them. Having had a fitful night's sleep, he'd awoken tired and irritable. The maids had been sent out of his chambers, and his servants had wisely backed off. He'd tended to his morning routine himself, preferring the solitude over chattering and nonsense talk.

His massive black stallion lifted his head at his master's approach, snorting softly in welcome. The horse danced slightly in anticipation.

Thranduil stopped and held his hand out, giving the animal a small apple and rubbing the velvet-soft nose. "We shall proceed to the village to find out what progress has been made with the reconstruction," he said to the assembled guards. "Depending on what we find, some of you will remain behind to assist. The rest will return to the palace."

Melderion nodded. "Of course, my Lord," he said. "Word has reached my ears that the building is progressing well. The company you sent are working around the clock to ensure completion as quickly as possible."

"Good," he said. Gripping the saddle, he swung his weight gracefully up onto the horse and lifted the reins. A solitary hand signal told the guards to proceed outwards, and the gathered horses began filing past him.

His eyes widened as one in particular went past, and he leaned forward, grabbing the animal's reins and halting it.

Deep blue eyes met his from underneath a hooded cloak.

"What do you think you are doing?" he hissed angrily.

Elu pushed her hood back onto her shoulders. "I wish to see for myself how my village is progressing," she answered. "I intend on staying behind to assist with the work."

He scoffed. "What do you know about construction?" he demanded.

"I know more than you give me credit for," she retaliated. "Like I said last night – I have no desire to remain here."

He glared at her for a few seconds, before throwing the reins back at her. "Then so be it," he snapped. "I shall grant your wish."

She muttered something under her breath as he turned away and he glared at her over his shoulder, but she didn't repeat it. Instead, she glared back.

He moved his horse onwards, ignoring the tingling that had been in his blood since he'd stepped outside the palace. He hadn't given it any thought as he'd approached his assembled company, too distracted focusing on the day ahead. As he approached the bridge leading away from his home, he realised why he'd felt the tingling.

The company rode through the woods for the few hours that it would take them to reach their destination. Words were seldom uttered, with most of those present preferring to remain quiet as they travelled. Thranduil rode at the front with Melderion alongside him, and occasionally they exchanged a few words.

Elu rode at the back. She was quite content to remain quiet as she lost herself in her thoughts. Unfortunately those thoughts revolved around the ruler who continued to treat her with disdain. His long blonde hair rippled down his back as his horse moved, and her eyes inadvertently fixed on the beautiful sight.

He'd seeped into her soul without knowing.

She sighed to herself as she acknowledged the fact. When she closed her eyes at night and slipped into the world of sleep, he found her and tormented her dreams. His rich, velvet voice infused into her bones. His ice blue eyes gazed into her soul and pulled out every deep, dark secret she could ever attempt to conceal. Even his unique aroma filtered into her dreams, wafting around her and filling her with awareness.

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