Demon's Grieving Hearts

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A/N: In case you don't know, you are taller than Zeldris. When you are both standing up he is looking at the valley of your breasts XD. Oh and don't forget to listen to the music and maybe even watch the video after you read everything! Get the title? Grieving Hearts, because Zeldris has more than one heart... Forget I said anything XD

Hovering over a book on Succubi and Incubi Zeldris found himself searching for answers. His thoughts beginning to question everything.

If (Y/N) was still wearing the ring when they first met, why did he suddenly feel so overwhelmed by her when he originally stepped foot into the shop? Why did he feel more relaxed and less stunned by her now? Are the feelings he is feeling even completely legitimate? So far there were only myths, rumors and other bull shit that was of no use in all the books he has read. Why was he trying so hard to find answers, were they more for him, or were they more for her?

"Aphrodisiac effect is an after effect of the aphrodisiac pheromone produced by Succubi and Inncubi..." He read aloud. "So is it a drug?" If its a pheromone that means his scent receptors and that of humans could smell it. Was that why she smelt so good to him? "Does it make cause me to experience false feelings for her? Then why do I still feel this way when I'm away from her?" His head was starting to hurt from all the questions racing through his mind.

"No, the feelings are completely legitimate, young master." A firm and large hand placed itself on his shoulder, Zeldris nearly jumping out of his seat from the sudden intrusion.

"How long have you been there?" Zeldris glared at his former teacher. The older man looked down with a shine in his ebony eyes.

"The whole time. You were so immersed in the book you didn't notice me coming in." Setting down a cup of tea before the prince he continued. "Now, you are wondering if the Aphrodisiac effect and pheromone is a myth for Succubi right? The answer is no, but it doesn't do anything more than make the men take notice of her, telling them she is a good reproductive candidate. It also sexually arouses the men within about 4 feet of her. The distance is lengthened with more breathable fabric and the more skin that is shown. But it doesn't do anything much different than the average female approaching or during ovulation."

Zeldris pushed the disgusting tea to the side. "Are you saying that the pheromone's effects are greatly reduced depending on clothing?"

Cusack gave a nod in response. "Yes. The pheromone would have to travel from the skin, through the fabric, and into the air to be received by another's scent receptors. The closer the proximity, the stronger the effects, so touching is a good way to get a huge dose of it. The pheromone is similar to men being able to pick up the higher testosterone levels a woman emits near ovulation, with the men's hormones surging in response." That would explain why the prince wasn't feeling so overwhelmed around her, due to her clothing choice. However, what about the feelings he felt now?

"However, the aphrodisiac effect heightens any feeling of attraction that is already there. It is similar to being attracted to someone by their first impression and condition only those feelings are increased within a certain proximity of the Succubi. What ensnares the men and makes the lust and causes a false feeling of attraction is love magic, like the Allure charm."

"So you are saying that the aphrodisiac effect is part of her overall biological sex appeal?"

"Correct," Arching an eyebrow Cusack grinned.

"A good example would be when you first met her versus now." Zeldris' eyes widened as his body tensed up. His former teacher had been spying on him. "She was wearing a low cut dress that showed her figure and let her pheromone spread into the air more easily. Now, however, she has been wearing plain clothing that covers more of her skin, in a sense suffocating the pheromone and limiting its ability to spread. But you still feel attracted to her even if you aren't touching, or even near each other, correct?"

DEMON'S EUPHORIA  *SUCCUBUS READER X ZELDRIS*Where stories live. Discover now