1: Temporary Andre

Start from the beginning

"Right," she sighed. "Either way, Andre needs some sunshine and clothes."

Andre grabbed her. "No," his voice was deep and raspy.

She frowned. "Andre, we can't have sex, not at this moment, I have things to do, such as getting you some clothes for situations like this."

"I can wait," Lucy said. "Take your time."

"No, wait," she struggled. "Let go of me, Andre, you tend to get aggressive when your angry, remember."

"Y-You promise," he said.

She groaned. "Okay, fine, but remember I'm pregnant, so try not to grip my waist nor be to rough, understood?"

He nodded. "I-I m-miss you."

"Me too," she turned around and kissed him.


Andre looked around; it's hard getting adjusted to life. He's been in lycan form for a while now, and he's still having trouble controlling himself. While he and Grace were enjoying the moment, he almost shifted. But thankfully, Grace's voice calms him down. If it's not for her bossiness, he would've had ended up somewhere else lost and stuck.

"Okay," Grace smiled. "Let's get you some clothes."

"This way," Kat said. "It's a good thing Lucy had spare clothes from that lazy good for nothing."

"Kat," Lucy sighed.

"Sorry," Kat smiled.

Andre felt lost and empty; it's like something was missing in his life. He has Grace, and there's a baby on the way, even though it's not his, he will raise it as his own, but there is something else he needs but what?

"Hey," Grace kissed his cheek. "What's wrong?"

He grabbed her hand and placed it on his chest above his heart. "S-something is m-missing."

"Your heart is there," she said. "But I think I know what's missing, and I don't want to say it, in case it triggers something, we can talk at the house."

"Okay," he sighed.

This town looked so gloomy but bright. The Witches have lousy taste in decorations; then again, they are dark and wicked.

Lucy led them to a shop, as they enter, a woman was yelling at a young man.

"I told you, stay away from that girl," the woman said. "I get that you like Pink, but she's not for you, she's a human girl who won't live long, and her parents think your a Witch trying to steal her soul."

"I love her," the young man said. "There's nothing you or anyone can do, Pink and I will get marry, if we have too, we'll go far away, maybe to the Lycan's."

"Ugh," the woman sighed. "Hm, ah Lucy, Kat, maybe you can talk some sense into my son."

"I doubt we can," Kat said. "I mean, the boy is clearly in love."

"Lalo," Lucy sighed. "Does this human girl know about what you, that you're a Witch?"

"Yes," Lalo said.

"What?!" The woman sat down. "Lalo, are you insane? Why did you reveal your secret? Do you know the danger our in, those humans will try to burn you on the stake."

"But mother," Lalo sighed. "I want to save Pink; her parents want to marry her off to a rich old man, his fat, bald and looks at her like a piece of meat, I have seen him grope her in front of her parents, it's disgusting. In a way, her parents are selling her off; they'll be receiving money for her. All because she's an illegitimate child. Her father had an affair with the maid. The wife had the mother killed, and now Pink is stuck."

"How do you know all of this?" Lucy asked.

"My cat," Lalo said. "I left my cat with Pink, and I can see everything, Lucy, please help me."

Andre looked at the boy; it's like what happened with, Her. Almost the same situation. "Let him."

"What?" The woman frowned.

"It's love," he said. "Abandoning the girl would be on you conscious for the rest of your life, you would think back and ask yourself 'what could've had happened to that girl my son loves? Did she live happily and long?' it'll keep coming back, and you'll regret it, so why not let the boy do this, with help from others I'm sure the girl can get saved. Lucy, during the journey here, you said you wanted to change the ways of the Witches so that the humans wouldn't fear you, isn't this an excellent opportunity to show them? But not just, by using your magic, show them that you care about them, I'm sure there is someone in that town that is, also, trying to save the girl. Find them, and I'm sure you'll be able to form a bond."

"You have gotten wiser," Grace said. "It's a bit strange."

"I'm just speaking my mind," he said.

"And your talking, without stuttering," she smiled.

Andre kissed her. "Yeah."

"Okay," Lucy said. "I'll do it, but, Lalo, you need to promise me that you won't get desperate and do something stupid, when will they give the girl up to the man?"

"In a week," he said. "They're trying to get approval fro the church, but they're having a problem, something about a lost document."

"Hmm," Lucy smiled. "I see, so there is someone that cares for the girl, okay then I'll accompany you to the town."

"No," Kat said. "I'll go, you have to help Andre, I can sense his emotions are all intact."

"Okay," Lucy sighed. "Listen to Kat, and don't leave her side."

"Thank you," Lalo said. "Mother."

"Okay," the woman smiled. "I'll get the guest room ready."

Andre rubs his head. "Can we head back, I'm getting a headache."

"After we get you measured," Grace said. "Just relax, don't overthink; look at me."

He looked at her. "Hmm," he held her and sniffed her. "Hmm," her scent, it calms him down. "Thanks."

How long will this condition last?






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