Example 10

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Adventage of YouTube

     In this modern era, certainly no stranger to social media. Almost all groups from young to old who use social media as a means of entertainment and interact, it seems like life feels empty without the presence of social media. People are dependencies on social media, many people who use it to get money, ranging from product promotion, to be a celebgram, and creator content. But the most popular social media in Indonesia right now is YouTube. Youtbe has many advantages and positive effects that make it attractive to many people. So that social media occupies the second highest rating in the world and number one in Indonesia.

      The content on YouTube is very varied ranging from prank, gaming, teen life, parody, vine, review etc. making it easier to choose and find content that is suitable and in accordance with the tastes, ages, and needs of each person. With a variety of content categories on YouTube, makes it easier for people who want to start a career on YouTube as a content creator. The most popular job nowadays is to become a YouTube content creator.. Currently there are so many content creators with billions of views and millions of subscribers. More number of views and subscribers, than more money gets. so that not a few of the content creators who make YouTube as a permanent and promise job if their content is always interesting and liked by many people.

     We can make a video about anything on YouTube even though the video is weird and ubsurd though. In addition there is no limit to how many videos are uploaded. There are millions of videos on YouTube that make us never run out of viewing material. Even television shows have begun to be replaced by YouTube. The shows on YouTube are more interesting and exciting than a television because the content is more varied and we can also comment, criticize, or just listen. Maybe this is what makes YouTube the most popular social media in Indonesia today.

    Those are some of the advantages that YouTube has. The conclusion is that YouTube is mutually beneficial between video uploader / content creator and the viewer. The uploader of the video will benefit in the form of money and fame while the audience gains entertainment and knowledge. Because it contains many benefits and advantages of its own, YouTube will always be a favorite and beneficial social media for many people throughout the world.


Writing by Alifah Rahmah.

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