Example 7

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Do you agree or disagree to using Telegram?

     Nowdays social media is very important to our life. We can’t stop to using social media. Just like Telegram. Telegram is chat application , and telegram is very popular in Uzbekistan, America, Russia, and etc. If you ask me do you agree to using telegram? I answer yes, I agree to use telegram. I agree because Telegram is very interesting for me. But in Indonesia Telegram user are very few. That is because Indonesian people don’t know the good effects of telegram. So, I want to tell you about Eight good effect of telegram. First, more easy to studying language. Why I say like that? Because in telegram we can search much of translator application, in telegram I joined at English and Mandarin  translator, from that group I get a lot of information of English and Mandarin language bot. Second, we can made our channel looks like youtube and we can share tips and tricks about life style, healty, etc. And we can discussed in our channel with our subscribers. Third, we can comunicate with people from another countries. In telegram we can search ‘foreign group’, from those group you can meet people from another countries, and you will find another cultures, languages, etc from them. Fourth, telegram can increase our knowledge. I say like that because in telegram we can download Ebook about education, saintist, religion, comic, novels, history and etc. And all the Ebook is free, so interesting isn’t it?. Fifth, in telegram we can write our story looks like write in blog, we can publish in Telegraph bot when we finished. Sixth, if we make group in WhatsApp we just can added 257 members, but in Telegram we can added five thousand members. That is very interesting for me. Seventh, in telegram when we download Ebooks, songs, videos, pictures, power point, is very cheap in our mobile data and also our memory card. Eight, if you are a tecaher, telegram is good to make class group chat. My reason is, when you made group chat for your students in telegram, you get good facilities, one of facilities is online list attendance your student by Poll Bot in telegram, your student just push one of the button (present, sick, or permision), so interesting isn’t it?. Conclusion, I suggest you to using Telegram, because telegram have a lot of good effects to our life.


Writing by Suci Romadhotul Arifah.

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