Example 8

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The Effect of Social Media

       As an active user of the Line application I have felt the advantages and disadvantages of Line. As one of the chat or messanger applications, Line provides features that can answer the needs of smartphone users. Its main feature is indeed as a means of sending text messages, voice messages, picture messages, video messages, and file messages. Then additional features are provided in all updates such as voice cal and video calls. On this occasion I will focus on discussing the advantages and disadvantages of Line applications. Because as an active user I and you also need to know what are the advantages and what are the lack of line applications.

Advantages of LINE:
1.LINE provides free call services to be able to make free calls between fellow LINE users without deducting credit fees, only using internet data.
2. Messenger groups can be up to 100 members
3.LINE has a telephone number as an Account ID like Whatsapp, but can also have a User ID to make it easier for people to invite our ID and hide our phone number if it's privacy.
4. In addition, LINE also provides Add friend via QR code which can be made free through LINE, something that is rare in similar applications.
5.In addition to providing emoticons and autotext LINE also adds new additions to the Stickers, almost similar to emoticons but with more and bigger expressions, and also lightweight.
6.LINE provides a Block / Black List ID or HP No feature that we don't want, and also provides a password security feature to prevent others from opening and viewing the contents of our conversations.
7.LINE allows use on OS Windows / MacOS, so those who do not have a Smartphone OS OS IOS (Iphone) or Android can Try via PC

LINE disadvantages:
1. In my opinion Data Connection from LINE is still not very stable, it's still not as good as whatsapp in sending and receiving data.
2. For the Call feature will run smoothly if the data path is at least 3G / HSDPA.
3. Not yet able to OS, winphone, symbian and BB. (Depending on you, whether this is lack or strength).


Writing by Winda Audina Triaini.

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