My dirty mind

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Today we had a yard sale and it was total crap anyway I say down on a chair my sister was sitting in and my dad told me to get up and i looked at my fucking sister and said "tap tap" and if you do that it's like claiming it as yours anyway I come back and I said move to my sister cause I said tap tap and my sister who knows I have a dirty mind goes "I don't know that the fuck you were tapping" and she didn't mean for it to come off as dirty but I yelled "oh daaaaang" and my parents who have come to terms with my dirty mind just shook their heads at least they didn't smack me in the back of the head my dirty mind is both a curse and a gift also Narcissist_Malfoy remember all of the jokes I made with Amelia

Random ThoughtsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora