Stronger than All of Us

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Ned's POV

I was worried. Not that that's a bad thing. Just a fact. Being worried happens a lot. Most of the worry in the world isn't needed, well, some of the worry is very real and that unknown person has a very good reason to be worried, but most worry comes without good reasons. Like mine. Right?



No more thinking about this, Ned. He's fine. They're both fine.

It was stupid, really. People get sick all the time. Lots of people. It just so happens that a lot of people got sick today. It's is completely normal for 150 kids to suddenly disappear from school for no apparent reason.

Completely normal.

But Peter didn't get sick. And when and if he did, it was ugly. Throwing up constantly, dangerously high fevers, coughing up blood, senses dialed up to 20. But that happened only once before, and it was because he was kidnapped and chained up in a cell with really bad air.


Not really the best word to be thinking about currently.

Of course, MJ disappeared frequently, only heaven knows why. There were times she didn't come to school for days. When we asked about it, she just changed the topic. Peter was always worried about her. I understood his fear, him being Spider Man and all. Truth is, if someone bad found out who he was and saw him with her, it was possible they could use her as bait. To keep that from happening, Peter had always been extra careful about his identity.

I walked down the hall, surprised at how empty and quiet they were with Flash and his minions gone. That was the only good thing about today. Flash wasn't here to bother anyone.

Still, it felt weird to have half of the school absent. Most of the teachers blew off the classes since it wasn't worth the trouble to only teach half a class. Even Mr. Harrison decided to not have a history test. That never happened. And I even was prepared this time!! Oh well... Just another day at school.

I expected something bad to happen all morning, but nothing did.


Unknown's POV

"It worked perfectly, just as we imagined."

"Good. Professor, we can't afford for anything to go wrong. I will not have someone fail me twice."

"Y-yes sir." My voice stuttered nervously. I knew of all people this man, no, this beast was not to be played with. I had watched him-

No, I must not think about that. Jack was an ignorant man. I should be ashamed that I called him brother.

We must stick to the plan. I was not ignorant, nor was I just a man. I was the master's personal scientist. I was the best scientist in the world, the most powerful man, besides the beast. I was better than the famous Tony Stark himself. I was amazing, brilliant, powerful...

His face still haunted me in my dreams. I never told anyone that. I never told anyone I had a brother. The word still mourned painfully from my lips, my hands shaking guiltily, a single tear sliding invisibly down my cheek in a silent sorrow.

The guilt was my closest companion, demanding to know why I didn't save him.

But we must not be sad to see the weak go, right? It's a fact of life. The weak die while the strong rise to the top. 

In my heart, I knew the truth. Jake was much stronger than all of us. Stronger than me.

If only I could have saved him. 

No, if only I had saved him.

Peter's POV

I woke up to Pepper Potts standing above me, her hair perfect as always. 

"Awake yet?"

"Yeah, I'm awake. What time is it?"

She checked her watch. "Five minutes to ten. Don't worry, Tony kept his promise and called the school for you."

"Could you thank him for me?"

"I could, but he's just down the hall. He decided to take a break from work."

"Oh, okay. I'll be there in a minute. I should probably text Ned to reassure him I didn't die."

She chuckled softly. "That may be a good idea. But be quick, breakfast is all made." She left, closing the door behind her so I could get changed.

Making a quick text to Ned, I dressed into a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans. I hurriedly brushed through my hair, not really caring how I looked anymore. Ever since da-, uh, Mr. Stark gave me a room, how I looked became less important. 

I followed the scent of french toast. Unashamed, I stuffed 6 down in 5 minutes and got ready to work in the lab with Mr. Stark.

He wasn't there, so I decided to start working anyways. A sticky note met my eye, and I picked it up and read it, assuming it was from my boss. I dropped the test tube I was holding as soon as I saw what was written on it.

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