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The border that separates the Light Sides from the Dark Sides is an almost invisible line that stretches all the way to the edge of the Imagination.

It's pretty much an evident division where you can clearly see the difference of both realms.

No one, not even the creatures of the Imagination dared to step foot into the opposite realm.

Roman knew he couldn't be seen crossing the border out in the open. That would get him caught for sure. So where else could he cross it?

Aha! Roman snapped his fingers as an idea struck him.

Carefully clambering out of his bed, he made sure Logan and Patton were both fast asleep before sneaking into the Imagination.

I'm coming, Remus. Roman thought excitedly as he went deeper into the Imagination's forest, his destination getting closer and closer until, finally, he arrived.

It was a river.

Before The Great Divide- as he so liked to refer to it- he and Remus would often come here to play and slay beasts of their making. They made a great team together as both brothers made sure they had one another's backs. Roman sighs as he reminisces the memory, but quickly shakes his head to return his focus.

Taking in a deep breath, he lifts his hands in an upward motion as he uses his powers to create a stone bridge that will allow him to cross the river, the invisible border making it a tad bit difficult, but he manages to finish it all the way to the other side.

Taking in a deep breath, he lifts his hands in an upward motion as he uses his powers to create a stone bridge that will allow him to cross the river, the invisible border making it a tad bit difficult, but he manages to finish it all the way to t...

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"Yes yes yes! I did it!" Little Roman cheers, slightly out of breath. He warily walks towards it, placing a hand on the cold, stone structure. Once deeming it safe and durable, he grins widely and sprints forward.

But before he could cross the border half way through, a low growl erupts from behind him. Roman freezes in place, a shiver running down his spine as he turns around to look at the source of the growl.

There, at the foot of the bridge, was one of the monsters he and Remus had created. It looked like a giant bear with a wolf's head, having sharp teeth protruding from its mouth and glowing red eyes that made Roman's blood run cold as he spotted a few scars on its body, no doubt from the last time he had battled it with Remus.

They never really checked if they had killed all the monsters they've created.

In an instant, he had his trusty sword in hand, ready to slash away at the beast who he'll have to finish off by himself. The sudden movement triggered the ferocious creature as it began charging towards the lone creative trait.

Roman huffs and tightens his grip on his sword, "Let's get this over with."

Across The Border {Logicality, Dukeceit, Prinxiety}Where stories live. Discover now