23: Before the world shatters

Start from the beginning

"Who was he?" he asked.

This was it. This was the moment. This was when she had to tell the truth. The truth that no one was allowed to know.

She inhaled. She looked away briefly. Pondering if she should really tell him. Then she looked back, she looked into his eyes again. And she couldn't hold it back any longer.

"Bran Stark", she said. "He was Bran Stark. But he's not Bran Stark anymore."

He looked confused, startled, unsure of what to do. Then he loosened his grip on her hand and instead put his arm around her shoulders. It felt safe and comforting to have his arm around her.

She realized that she was crying. From the relief of finally telling someone and the sorrow of reliving it all again. She leaned against his chest as she sobbed.

"So that's what you wanted to get away from," he said.

She just nodded.

"I voted for him," he said, "So what do we do now?"

"It's too late," she said, "We can't do anything. And you can't tell my father. My brother died on that quest, and my father needs to believe that it was for a good cause."

"But what about the kingdom? What will happen to it?"

"I don't know... I don't know what he is or what he wants. But I know he's not good."

"Whatever happens Meera, I'll be here. If you need me to do something I will. If I can."

"I know you will, Gendry. But I don't think there's anything you can do. I don't think there's anything anyone can do. He planned this long ago and he got exactly what he wants. Now we can just wait and see. Right now I just want you to sit here with me."

She was wrong. There was something they could do. And they were doing it right now. They were breaking free from the grip he had on everyone's faith. They weren't supposed to find each other, but they did. And it mattered.

"I will, of course I will. We'll sit here, for as long as you want."

He kept his arm around her and they sat there together. Huddled tight on the stone railing.

They sat there all night.

They watched the stars in the sky.

They told each other who they used to be, before everything..

He told her about the city. About the orphanage where he grew up, about his mother with the blonde hair who he barely remembered, about grueling work in the blacksmith workshop from a young age. He pointed out where all the places used to be, even though they were now all gone.

She told him about growing up in the swamp. About her brother who could see what no one else could. About a childhood filled with frog hunting, climbing cypress trees and playing with crocodiles.

As the morning light started to seep in she had fallen asleep against his chest. The rays of the sun in her eyes woke her up. She sat up and looked over at him. He seemed to be almost asleep as well. She touched his arm lightly to wake him.

"Gendry, I'm ready to go," she said. "I need to get back to my father. I can't let him worry for too long."

"As you wish, Meera," he replied.

He released his arm from around her shoulder and swung his legs over the railing to get up. Then he stretched out his hand towards her, to help her over as well. She didn't need the help but she still took his hand. Because she liked holding his hand.

The Stag and The Frog - (GendryxMeera GOT fanfic) Part 1: AloneWhere stories live. Discover now