Chapter 3

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|Chapter 3|
4 months later

Everything have been going good. Me and Deshun attend a community college, the twins just turned 4 months a few days ago. Me and Deshun are officially married, but we haven't had the reception yet. We're planning on having the reception next month, when we have enough money.

But today I'm going to meet Deshun's side of the family. I'm nervous and excited.

"Shun do you have the twins dressed? ! " I yelled as I put on my high waisted pants

"Yeah, I'm feeding them right now" he yelled back

I put on my pink shirt and tucked it into the pants. I put on my pink purple and blue Jordan's on . I walked into our restroom and sprayed water on my hair making it curly. I did my eyeliner and mascara. I put on some nude lip gloss and sprayed on my Twilight Woods perfume and lotion. I was finally satisfied with my look. I quickly packed the twins baby bag and grabbed my phone off the charger and my purse .

I walked downstairs and the twins were in their swing.

"Hey mama's baby." I cooed over them

They start smiling and reaching for my earrings.

I kiss their cheeks and picked them up.

"Babe I'm ready. You have your wedding ring on?" I asked him

"Shit that's what I was forgetting" he said running upstairs

He came back downstairs sliding his ring on his ring finger .

He grabbed the twins stroller and I grabbed their Car seat. I strapped them inside the car and got in the back with them.

Deshun pulled out of the garage and drove to the reunion .


We arrived at a picnic area and a park next to it. I got out the car and unstrapped the kids and put them into their two in one stroller. I placed their bag at the bottom of the stroller and Deshun grabbed my purse. We walked up to where his family was at. I can tell that most of them were in a gang or retired out of the game.

"Starr! Hey baby girl" Demetruis said hugging me

"Hey pops" I said hugging him back

"Hey twins" he cooed while taking Kaiden out of the stroller.

"Hey Starr baby" Tierra said hugging me

"Hey mama" I said

She took Kaylah because she was reaching for her .

"Hey pretty girl. G'ma missed you. " she said

"Dang just took our kids away from us" Deshun mumbled

I laughed .

"Right" I said grabbing my purse and putting it in the stroller

Deshun grabbed the stroller from me and I followed him  .

We walked up to a group of boy and girl that was probably around our age.

"Wassup Shun" a boy said dapping him up

"Wassup fam. Y'all this is my wife Starr" Deshun said

"Bruhh you lying." Another boy said

Deshun grabbed my hand and showed them my ring.

"Damn son, you got kids too?" They asked

"Yeah, twins. They're four months. " he said sitting down pulling me into his lap.

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