Stop Apologizing

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Now that he had someone to keep him company and other things to do, he didn't kill nearly as much as he used to. And when he did, Ray liked to come with him. She was a helpful little sidekick, good at picking targets and distracting any would be onlookers. It was rare that she caused any trouble at all, which was why he was so caught off guard tonight.

Usually when they saw a cop, they took that as their cue to make themselves scarce. This time though...

"I know him..."

"Huh?" He looked down at her. She had this far off look in her eyes.

"It's him." Her voice shook.

"Who?" She didn't mean... Not the cop. Fuck. This was not good. "Great. Sure you know lots of cops. Let's go." He grabbed her arm and tried to steer her away.

"Get off of me!" She snarled and shoved him away, running after the guy.

He stood there dumbfounded. She never dared to raise a hand against him and he'd never seen her angry like that. What the actual fuck was wrong with her? He wavered back and forth between going after her and turning tail. He really didn't want to go back to prison but something told him that this guy was trouble. Curiosity got the better of him. He tried to be stealthy as he pursued them down a dark alley.

"You..." He heard her say.

"Who, me?" He was clearly caught off guard. He looked her up and down. "Oh... This is good. If it isn't little Rachel Gardner, all grown up." Zack didn't like the way he was looking at her, not at all. "Hah! I thought you were dead. Good to see you, kid."

"Shut your mouth."

"That's not a very nice way to say hello. Come give your uncle a hug. I've been so worried about you."


"Well that maniac took you, didn't he?"

"No... Why did you do it? You're supposed to protect people. That's your job."

"Oh. That? Dunno what to tell you, kiddo. Grown men have needs. Me and your mom go way back, you know? Old school friends."

"It's your fault. I remember now."

"Oh come on! That's not really fair, is it? How was I supposed to know your old man was going to go off the deep end and kill her?"

"You know that he-"

"Of course I know. Everyone knows. She was trying to work up the nerve to leave him for years. Damn shame she ended up with that jealous drunk. Nice piece of ass that one. American girls are always so-" He stopped himself, but it definitely wasn't for her benefit. "You know? Come to think of it. You look a bit like her now." He gave her a sick, lecherous smile. "Not too bright though. Like mother, like daughter, huh? Never thought you'd just fall into my lap like this."

"I'm not going anywhere near your lap," she spat angrily.

"Oh that's not very nice, sweetheart. You know how much your uncle loves you."

"Stop saying that!"

"Sounds like you need to learn how to show some respect for your elders again, Rachel." He shoved her up against the wall and Zack decided he'd had enough. He was about to intervene but the cop suddenly grunted in pain and fell to his knees.

"You're sick." She sobbed and pulled her knife out of his chest, stabbing him over and over again. The cops eyes went wide in shock and fear as he realized he was going to die. He barely managed to choke out something into his radio before he kicked the bucket. "Say you're sorry!" She screamed at him but he was already dead. "I said apologize!" She dropped the knife and hit him instead. "Wake up! I'm not done!"

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