Chapter 2 - Not Our Sister

Start from the beginning

"No, no it's not your fault. I fell down yesterday and hurt my arm." I assured her lying about the second part.

"OMG! Did you tell Daniel?"

"What are you saying, of course she didn't tell him. He would have called an ambulance for her."

"Yeah he is so protective of her. It's so cute"

"I want a dad like him"

They kept talking about my 'perfect' family while I stood there with my fake smile, like always.


It was dinner time and everyone was gathered around the dining table. Jake was sitting at the head of the table with me and Violet on either side of him. The boys were glaring at me at first but got involved in their own conversations after some time. Violet and Jake were talking among themselves, it seemed something serious.

Everyone was almost done with dinner when Jake's phone rang. He shared a look with Violet and picked it up. "Hello...Yes?...Yeah I know...But...Okay we'll be there by tomorrow" He sighed and hung up the phone. Everyone was silent and staring at Jake.

"Okay, listen kids," Jake started "I know we said that we would stay longer this time but it's important. Violet and I will have to leave tomorrow. I'm sorry kiddos" He said with a sad face.

I was confused, what were they talking about. But I figured that now is not a right time to ask.

"Hey don't make that faces, we will come for Max's birthday next month." Violet tried to cheer them up. Her sons gave her a small smile and nodded.

Everyone shuffled to their own work after dinner was over. I went to my room thinking what just happened. It looks like my mind is never free of thoughts.

Violet and Jake are leaving tomorrow so I will be alone with the guys, who probably hate me.

By the way they were talking, it looked like they left the boys alone often.

I knew they own a business, so that means that either they don't control their business from here or they went on tours a lot.

I got changed into pajamas and went to bed. Someone knocked the door and I told them to come in.

I sat up on bed when Violet and Jake entered the room. They came to me and Violet handed me a box. I saw that it was a phone. I stared at the phone then at them in shock.

"Ms. Adam told us that your old phone broke."

"I-I... can't take it" I said.

"Oh shush, it's all yours now. And don't you dare argue me on that." Violet's voice became playfully stern at the end. She smiled at me. I smiled back and nodded knowing that she wouldn't back down.

"Also we are so sorry that you just arrived here and we have to leave but it's a work call we have to be there. We're very sorry Sophia." Jake said.

"It's really okay, but..." I trailed off.

"Don't worry Stephen will be in charge when we are gone." I was still uncomfortable with the news. Specially Stephen seemed the scariest of all the brothers.

She must have noticed my expression because she chuckled and said "Oh sweetie I know that you think that the boys hate you, but trust me they are just trying to look tough and strong. They will come around after some time."

She hugged me and wished me a good night. Jake stood behind Violet awkwardly, I knew he also wanted a hug, but was too hesitant. I remembered the ice-cream shop incident and how protective he was of me. For the first time I felt that I could trust someone.

So I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. He instantly hugged me back and kissed my forehead. Soon, Violet made her way into the hug. 

I realized that there was a smile etched on on my face that wouldn't leave even if I tried. There was a new foreign feeling inside me. I don't know what it was, but I never want to let it go.


Aww... I just melted writing the last scene. Isn't Jake sweet?

On the other hand the Wilson brothers are still not on good terms with Sophia. According to Violet they are just trying to play tough.

What do you think? Do they have a reason?

Also, what do you think Jake and Violet do?




Love, Eternal_18

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