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So okay I decided I decided top make this opening just fobr fun. Hope you like it.❤

The Scene shows snow on top of becon and turning round staring at team SCLT and walked together.

While the scene changed it shows that team SCLT were fighting a group of unknown people and someone with a watch

The scene changes while obi was on top of a tree and snow and jumped towards her and talked to her and saw that Y/N  runing towards him and trying to kill him and snow turns around and sigh while seing Karla bothering her.

While karla and snow where drinking coffee together and making up lost time ruby getting close trying to get a cookie but couldnt because snow didnt let her.

And again Ruby getting close to Y/n and trying to get his watch and Y/N put his hand on her head backing her up.

The scene changes by Y/N transforming to zio and snow eyes glowing red and Y/N attacking snow with his rider kick and snow with a punch making fog all around not knowing who's going to win

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