"I'm fine shoji."

"Mùa-magnifecentê~(つ✧ω✧)つ"  aoyama came shining into the.. spotlight?

And when did everything become dark?

Oh wait. He's creating his imaginary scenes where's he is the main charecter.


"Ochaco! Eri!" The girls squealed at the two as they gave them a huge hug.

"Hey... Girls..." Ochaco said, trying to give them hints of the lack of oxygen in her and probably her daughter's body.

"Ochaco-chan. How has it been at your parents house? Kero." Tsu said, placing a finger to her chin.

"Its been great, Tsu. We finally got to meet and I introduced them to deku!" She chirped, after finally being let go.

"Midoriya! Good to see you again. Things got kind of boring with the boys while you were gone." Kaminari sighed, shaking his head a bit, thinking about how bakugou bullied him into an avacado while the greenette was gone, mainly because midoriya wasn't there to stop him from getting bakuhoe pissed.

"Oh. W-well I'm sorry about that." Eh scratched his nape, and pursed his lips into a small smile.

Meanwhile, eri was worried about Takahiro.

And the only duo that were their that weren't currently talking with anyone in particular were todoroki and bakugo.

"Um.. misters?" She called to them, as they looked down at her.

Todoroki glared at bakugo for a second,telling him something telepathically before speaking.

"Hello there, eri." He made a rare smile for the young girl, as her bland face turned to a small smile.

"Do you know where Takahiro is?!" She asked a little excited.

" Oh. The dog? He's currently resting in the dorms." Todoroki calmly explained.

"Oh. Thank you.. umm.." she hadn't gotten their names.

"Oh. My name is Shoto Todoroki. This is Katsuki Bakugo."

" Oh, ok. Thanks uncle sho! Thanks uncle-" she was cut off.

" Hey kachaan!" Izuku exclaimed, seeing his childhood friend.

"Oh great.." bakugo scoffed.

"Uncle kachaan!" The three boys stopped when they heard that.

"Uncle sho! And uncle Kachaan!" She exclaimed, dancing a little.

" Um. Eri, you should ask if todoroki and kachaan are ok with that first." Izuku said.

" Oh. Sorry uncle sho- mr.todoroki. sorry mr.bakugo." she apologized.

"I'm okay with that nickname!" They both smiled/yelled.

" O-oh. Okay then." Izuku said to the little girl.

" Thanks uncle Kachaan and uncle sho!" She hugged them slightly with a large smile.

She's become so much better at communicating! Its almost like she was born like this- happy going and not self-concious!

Izuku was proud of his daughter. She had grown so much since he met her.

"Guys! Let's head back to the dorms before a mob gets on us!" Sero smirked, seeing everyone else had recognised the students from U.A.

"Lets go." They all said in unison, as they ran towards the dorms, that was over a mile and a half away.

"Our taxi's are gone!!" Kaminari exclaimed, as everyone looked at him.

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