Jiang Cheng's karma, part 3

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A few months later, Jiang Cheng waited nervously for his brother and his annoying husband to join him for dinner. They had arrived in Lotus Pier that afternoon and had only greeted Jiang Cheng briefly before they had gone to settle in their guest quarters.

They came in and Jiang Cheng could immediately see why they were late. They were glowing, even Lan WangJi, despite his usual haughty demeanour. Jiang Cheng was immediately annoyed. Must they do that here, in Lotus Pier?

"Sit. Please," Jiang Cheng amended belatedly.

Amused, Lan WangJi sat down and Wei WuXian sat in his lap like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Wei WuXian! Must you be so—"

"Shameless? Yes I know. You've told me." Wei WuXian was utterly unconcerned, and snuggled into Lan WangJi's comfortably, like he had done it a hundred times before. "Now what was it you wanted to tell us?"


"What did I miss?" Came a deep voice and a man Wei WuXian had never seen before walked in. He looked at Wei WuXian sitting in Lan WangJi's lap and his eyes widened, then he looked at Jiang Cheng and his face cracked into a playful smile. He bowed deep to their guests and walked over to Jiang Cheng.

"Xian Feng, don't you dare...!"

Paying Jiang Cheng's hasty warning no heed, Xian TaoQi sat down, and pulled Jiang Cheng into his lap. If Jiang Cheng really meant it, he would have called him Xian TaoQi, not his birth name Xian Feng. Xian TaoQi smiled at the incensed man in his arms.

Jiang Cheng hissed at him and tried to squirm out of his lap. "Not now, Xian Feng! I haven't told them yet. Let me go!"

Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi sat opposite them, both with their mouths hanging open, still bowing over their arms. Just as Jiang Cheng looked over, Lan WangJi closed his mouth, putting on his usual cold face and straightened his back.

Xian TaoQi brushed his hand across Jiang Cheng's face. "You're so adorable, my sweet rabbit," he murmured and kissed Jiang Cheng tenderly, and like every time when Xian TaoQi kissed him, Jiang Cheng melted.

Wei WuXian choked on his tongue. When Xian TaoQi finally let his lips go, Jiang Cheng turned to look. Wei WuXian was still coughing, and Lan WangJi was patting him gently on his back. Jiang Cheng sat fidgeting, waiting for his brother's reaction, knowing deep down that he would deserve it, whatever it was.

"What? When? Who? What? How? What?" Wei WuXian finally managed.

Xian TaoQi chuckled. "I'm Xian TaoQi, youngest son of Xian TingBa of Xian. I met Jiang Cheng a long time ago, after you died. And we met again three months ago. And, well, you see how it is?"

"Mn," Lan WangJi said, and snuggled his chin on Wei WuXian's shoulder.

Wei WuXian still had trouble processing it. Then he remembered and his eyes flared up. "Jiang Cheng! You called us 'shameless' when you saw us hugging! In Cloud Pier, remember? We weren't even together then, it was an accident! I was climbing and I fell into Lan Zhan's arms." Wei WuXian turned to look at Lan WangJi, his eyes softening. "You caught me, remember?"

"Mn." Lan WangJi's arms around Wei WuXian tightened and he placed a small kiss on Wei WuXian's shoulder.

"You threw us out of Lotus Pier for just that! And called it a 'thing', our—" Wei WuXian flapped his hand at Lan WangJi. "And now look at you!"

"So? Are you saying you won't approve, just because I may have been... shocked at your behaviour in the past?"

"It wasn't just that time, Jiang Cheng! You kept trying to disappear into the draperies during our wedding, too. You've never said you approved of me and Lan Zhan."

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