Stupid Hydra piece of...

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"He Barbara! Jerome! I'm hungry and I need food in order to live!"Kaye yelled. "Shut up! I'll get you food just shut up"Barbara retaliated walking in the door with a groan. She the left the room making Kaye smile happily. She looked up at the wall noticing a vent that she could get through. Lifting her hand up to the vent, she opened it quietly.

"Bunch of retards not locking this"She muttered climbing in the vent. Closing the vent behind her she quietly crawls through the vent system. She snorts realizing why Clint was always in vents. Crawling through the vents for a few, she finally finds the room Bucky is in. Slowly opening the hatch, she drops down alerting him immediately.

"Hey, hey, it's just me"Kaye tells him feeling slightly scared that he was gonna kill her. He drops the knife in his hand staring at her intently, void of emotions."Who are you?"He asked, his voice cold but curious. Kaye smiles knowing she's getting somewhere."I'm Kaye Stark, or was, it's Quill now."She responds to him. Kaye Sits down cautiously next to him and sighs"Steve told me about you."She spoke up making Bucky furrows his eyebrows trying to remember."He was your best friend back in the 1940s, you both were in the army."She continued, hoping his memories would spike back. Kaye's and Bucky's eyes widen when they hear multiple people yelling in German.

The door is bust open making Kaye cast a shadow toward the soldier, successfully knocking him out. Bucky instinctively throws a knife, sticking it in the other soldiers head. The alarms all go off signaling all soldiers to come fight them."Stupid Hydra piece of shit!"They both muttered in unison.

With the Avengers

At the Avengers tower Tony and the rest of the Avengers have been trying to track her down for the whole week Sha has been gone. Peter (Quill) is in their room staring at a wall, wishing he could kiss her, and hold her. Tony, being stressed and getting no sleep caused it to be a little harder to do things. Everyone else is dead silent while Bruce and Tony work to find her.

"What if Hydra took her?"Questioned Natasha. Everyone looked at her, afraid she was right. Peter Quill glared at the floor as he thought about all the things H.Y.D.R.A could do to her."Found her! Yes! She's in Germany"Tony exclaimed making everyone perk up."North side of Germany, in the middle of nowhere?"Bruce asked himself more than anyone.

Steve stands up"Suit up we're going to Germany."All the Avenger run off to suit up and get ready to head off to Germany. Tony being the only one left in the room, sighs"I hope your ok sis, we'll get you."He muttered to himself before leaving the room.

Short chapter, just like all my other ones, but some of you were eager and it's kinda hard to get ideas for this book. Hope you like. ~Aj/Abby

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