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"USE TO KEEP IT COOL, USED TO BE a FOOL, ALL ABOUT THAT BOUNCE IN MY STEP"Kaye singed with the song, that she told J.A.R.V.I.S to put on, as she was running into the kitchen.

"SHUT UP"Somebody yells from the Living room. She instantly goes quiet before yelling"NO YOU BITCH ILL SING ALL I WANT!"She then hears loud laughter coming from the rest of the heroes.

"I'M GOING BACK TO BED EVEN THOUGH IT 2 IN THE AFTERNOON, SO IF YOU WANT ME WAKE ME UP!"She yelled from the elevator."ok"She heard.


Kaye walks in her bedroom  pulling her hair bow off before hand goes around her mouth. She uses her super strength to throw him the stranger against the wall. Before she could kill him another guy in black comes up behind her and puts a power dampener (idk) on her wrist stopping her from using her powers. Before she could react everything goes black as she is hit in the head.


Kaye wakes up to see a ginger red head guy, and a blonde woman with her hair tied in a ponytail."oh you're awake good"The ginger man says."who are you and where am I?"She asked the Jerome, and Barbara look alikes."My names Tyler, and This is Lilith"The ginger, Tyler or Jerome says.

"I'm gonna call you Jerome Valeska and you Barbara Kean"She tells them with a laugh.I may have been kidnapped but they look like those Gotham characters, and might as well make the best of this. She thought as she saw the gun in her face.

"So do you usually put guns in your victims faces"Kaye asked laughing at the face of Barbara."shut up!"Barbara yells in her face."where you from, Hell? Cause your parents named you after the demon Lilith"She asked Barbara(Lilith).

"Lilith calm down just ignore her"He says and then looks at Kaye and Lilith then leaves out the door"you would be of good use to me"He adds looking at her cleavage that was in a tank top. Kaye rolls her eyes"so you kidnapped me to rape me?"She asked with a look of disgust.
"No but I could cause you're fuckable with your sexy ass"He tells her licking his lips. She immediately burst out laughing so hard til she cried."is that you trying to be seductive?"She asked once she sobered up. Jerome rolls his eyes and leaves out the same door Barbara did.


The door opens to reveal a guy with a metal arm, and shoulder length hair. Kaye's eyes widened recognizing him"Bucky?"He looks at her from the corner"who the hell is Bucky?"Kaye looked at him.

They must have brainwashed him or something."uh you the hell is Bucky, your name is James Buchanan Barnes but you went by Bucky, your best friend is Steve Rogers who is Captain America"Kaye yells him with a serious look as he shows confusion"That ain't my name"He told her shaking off the confusion.

"Yes it is you're soldier from the 1900s Steve told me you fell off a train, doing a mission, Bucky please try to remember?"She asked him with hopeful eyes. He glanced at her realization but then H.Y.D.R.A soldiers come in"get him out of there!"Jerome yells at the soldiers as they drag Bucky out of the room.


It's been a few days since Bucky and Kaye's encounter. Kaye has been secretly going to Bucky's room and helping him remember stuff from his past.

"So how is Steve?"BB(Bucky) as Kaye likes to call him, asked."he's good I only met him like 2 months ago but he's good BB"She answers while she plays with her engagement ring. Unfortunately Bucky notices giving her a look"you're married"He asked with a slight smile and a curious look.

"Uh yeah been married for awhile his name is Peter Quill one of the Guardians of the Galaxy and he likes old timey music"Kaye said smiling bright which makes him smile. Kaye's eyes go wide"want some jolly ranchers?"She asked remembering she had candy in her pocket from before she got kidnapped.

"What are jolly ranchers?"He asked as he braided her hair. Kaye reaches her hand up with a green piece of candy and hands it to him.

He puts in his mouth eating it with a nod of his head she knew he like jolly ranchers"they're good"with a smile on her face she gets up thanking him for the braid and the talk, and sneaks back to her room.


"AHHHHHH!!STOP!"Kaye screams as the shocks went through her body. Bucky just watches with sadness in his eyes from the corner."now Kaye it will be done in a minute"Jerome says as she gets shocked more. Her screams of agony could be heard for miles if the room wasn't sound proof.

Minutes later they throw her back in her room in her unconscious state. Leaving Bucky to go back to his room. When Bucky went back to his room he felt extreme guilt for not helping. If he did help they would have did more on her and then do it to him.

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