Pain And Doubt

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Nova whimpered quietly as the whip bit into the bare skin on his back.
It had been a long time since he had been punished so harshly.
Usually they withheld food or water or sleep or dropped him in solitary.
He hadn't had lashes since shortly after he graduated from The Program nearly 2 years ago.
He had lost track of how many lashes he'd gotten so far.
Maybe they had too.
"How could you fail us Nova?"
The whip snapped against his skin and his knees went out from under him.
If his wrists weren't tied up above his head holding him up he would have fallen long ago.
"We expect more from you!"
"We gave you everything!"
"And you failed us!"
Again the the whip struck but high on his shoulder where he already had a burn from his failed mission.
Try as he might he couldn't fight back the strangled cry that tore from his throat as his back arched against the pain.
He didn't know how many more he could take.
It snapped across his back again and after his body arched it went limp.
He could feel darkness creeping in on his mind.
"That's enough."
The command had come from Marsha.
Tarvin's eldest daughter.
Tarvin had created the CRC so many years ago and Marsha ran this particular facility.
She walked over and stood behind him.
"Nova you must understand we don't want to punish you but you must remember that failure is unacceptable. As your wounds heal the pain will remind you not to let us down again but you haven't fallen from our good grace."
She placed her cold hands on his bare shoulders causing him to shiver slightly.
"You are an exceptional young rider. We expect that you might fail from time to time but when you do you must remember your mistake and never make it again. Do you understand Nova?"
He had to work hard to speak.
"Y-yes Ma'am."
She leaned against his bleeding back causing him to mown in pain.
Snaking one arm around his side she placed a hand firmly on his chest and dug a finger into one of his wounds on his back.
His head threw back onto her shoulder as he cried out in pain and she whispered in his ear.
"The next time you fail me your punishment will be much worse."
Then she walked away with a casual "take him to the infermery."
His wrist were untied and two guards caught him before he could crumble to the floor. They dragged him between them to the infermery were he spent two weeks being treated for his burns and lashes.


He sat on the edge of the cot once again and still bare chested as the doctor inspected his back.
"You're healing nicely Nova. You'll be back running missions in no time."
The boy nodded silently but made no other response.
"Something on your mind son?"
Green eyes flashed up to meet the doctor's.
He looked like he might say something then he dropped his head back down and shook it.
"No." He mumbled weakly.
The man sat down on the cot and stared at the youth.
"Now don't lie to me. What's going on in your head?"

The silence stretched on for what seemed like forever before-
"On my mission. The one I... I  failed."
He hesitated.
"Go on then. Don't be shy."
Pale shoulders slumped and his head hung even lower than before.
"I saw children. Playing."
The doctor frowned not understand.
"Yes. Children play. It's almost all they do."
"I... Never played."
"Well of course you didn't. You're a Rider."
"But why?"
"Excuse me?"
"Why am I a Rider? Why did the CRC choose me and not somebody else? Why do they get to play and have fun and I had to train?"
"Nova being a Dragon Rider is a great honor."
There was silence again.
"I know that. I just..." He squared his shoulders and sat up straight. "No. You're right. Of course you're right. It's because I'm stronger. Why would I want to be like them? They're weak!"
"That's right." The doctor agreed, happy that the young Rider had seemed to avoid the emotional crisis that would surely have landed him in solitary.
"I apologise. I don't know what came over me."
The man smiled at the youth.
"Probably just the pain meds messing with your head."
"Of course. Thank you."
Nova stood and walked out and back to his dorm.
He pulled down his riders harness and began to check it over for damage.
He knew there was none but he was trying to distract himself.
Because no matter what he said out loud, he very much wished the CRC had picked a different boy.

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